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"Are you comfortable?" Dante asked moving the pillow behind my back. I nod leaning back getting comfortable. "Thank you for carying me up here." I tell him. "You don't have to thank me H, I wasn't going to let you walk no matter what you would've said." He replies with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him. "I think we should go back to not talking." I tease. He chuckles. "You don't have to worry we're here now and we brought food." Mason walks in carrying bags of food with Trent,Case and Matteo following closely behind. "Finally what took you so long?" I asked unwrapping my burger and fries. The smell of the tasty meat filling the air making my mouth water at instant."Case didn't know what he wanted. Word of advice never take him out with you." He whispers the last part." Hey! I heard that." Case yells. Making us snicker. "Mmmmmm." I moan, This food is amazing. I look up and see everyone staring at me. "What?" I ask. "We're just going to pretend like we didn't hear those sounds." Trent says. "And I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that." I chuckle. "Where's josh?" I ask. Matteo shrugs his shoulder. "I don't know. He left before you got discharged I tried calling him but his not picking up." He tells me. That's strange. "How are you feeling?" Case asked. "Better this time." It's been a week since the accident I got discharged today I feel really better now. My neck, back and shoulder are doing great a little sore but nothing I can't handle. The leg, wrist,ribs and arm are going to take a bit of time. it's going to take weeks but hey it's not like I'm going anywhere. My head is better too. well excerpt from the little migraines that keep popping up like magicians but it's nothing Advils can't fix.

It feels better being home I seriously hate hospitals and the permanent smell of medicine that just lingers  around the air it's kind of suffocating."Have you spoken to Ace?" Dante asked. I shake my head playing with the half eaten burger that's on my lap. I haven't been able to get a hold of him. I haven't seen him since the day he left. His not picking up my calls I keep getting his voicemail and I've left a million of them, I tried texts but that hasn't worked too. what's worse is that we don't even know where he is. Mama,papa, Xavier and Becky have tried but we've gotten nothing. And it's freaking annoying. It's killing me not knowing how he is,what his doing or where he is. "I've tried but I can't get ahold of him." I say in a small voice. "I'm sure his going to come back he just needs a little time to himself." Mason assures me. "I guess." I sigh. 

"Knock, Knock, knock." A voice says we turn and see Xavier and  papa Walk in. "Hey, Guys." Papa greets. The boys smile in return. "Hey, baby how are you feeling?" Papa asked. "Better." I smile. "Papa has Ace called you?" He shakes his head sadly. I inwardly sigh Ace I swear I'm going to personally kill you when you get back. "He just disappeared into thin air I'm not sure what happened." Xavier says. I look down feeling guilty for the hundredth time. Mama walks in smiling at all of us. "Baby is that what your eating?" Mama asked. I nod. "It's all I wanted I promise to eat something heathier for dinner." I smile. She climbs on top of the bed sitting next to me.  Wrapping her arm around my shoulder making sure not to touch the sling helping my arm. I rest my head on her shoulder. "Since almost everyone is here I thought I should tell you guys something." I start, I look at my brothers and they smile encouraging me to continue. I take a long deep breath and start. "When we got here someone started sending me death threats. It began with little things like texts or weird calls were they wouldn't even talk. Then it got more real when they would send disturbing photos of me with rest of you guys. In a couple of them my head was literally shopped off. Below they'd be warning me to stay away from their man. Which I didn't get cause I'm surrounded with alot of men in my life I didn't know who it was specifically." I pause. "I tried to ignore it thinking it was some  sick joke someone was playing on me but then the letters,dead roses and headless doll were being delivered I knew right there, It  was a little more serious. More texts were frequently sent and they keep threatening me to stay away from the man they keep mentioning.The boy's  found out and we talked about it. But before we had time to try and figure it all out the accident happened and we all believe it's related to the people threatening me. I'm guessing they we're just waiting for the right moment to strike and I'm afraid they won't stop till I'm dead."  A horrified gasp is made beside me. I look at papa and Xavier their eyes filled with both shock and anger. "Why didn't you tell us?" Mama asked. "I didn't want to burden you with it. And I felt like I could deal with it on my own but I guess i was wrong." I say feeling ashamed. "Make matters worse Ace found out in the worst way possible and his so mad at me I don't even know if he'll ever forgive me." I stare at mama with tears in my eyes. "It that why he hasn't come for the last three days?" Xavier asked. I nod my head. "I really wanted to tell him but I just didn't want to upset him or bother him with this because I knew it was going to bother him more. I thought I was doing the right thing but i guess not." I lean my head on mama's shoulder trying to hide my tears. "Oh, honey." She comforts me. "Heather his going to come  back, Don't worry yourself too much." Papa tells me. "Yeah, his just hurt  you know how he is." "Don't worry." Xavier adds. "But what if he doesn't." I say my voice laced with sadness. "You know that's not true." A new voice speaks up. I snap my head following it's owner. I almost cry out at what I'm seeing. "Ace." I whisper. "Hey." He gives me a small smile.

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you love it.
Don't forget to
Byeeeeeeeeee 👋👋👋👋

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