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Two weeks later.

It's now been two weeks since I moved home with my siblings. The atmosphere here is a bit different than back home. I haven't lived here in over five years so I'm trying to adjust with most of the things. On the bright side my wrist is all healed up. it doesn't hurt. My arm and leg are slowly healing I can walk now it's more of a limp but it's getting better nevertheless. let's not forget my ribs I can sleep  better without any ache. The itch was such a bitch I'm glad I can move  my leg. "Hey H, Do you want to go out for lunch?" My sister asks. "Yeah sure let me grab my purse I'll meet you downstairs." I limp getting up to put my shoes on. I've been couped up in the house mostly in the bedroom for the past two weeks and it's been both annoying and boring. I hate staying in one place for too long it's really exhausting. I quickly put my shoes and slowly limp downstairs. "Are you sure your okay with walking?" I internally roll my eyes turning to face the owner of the voice. His blues eyes scans my body over. "Matteo for the billionth time I'm okay." I tell him. I twirl around a little to show him that my bones are perfectly fine. I'm lying I don't need to move much a broken leg doesn't heal in two weeks. He runs his hands through his hair releasing a sigh. "Okay, Call me when you get there and if you feel any slight uncomfort please call me I'll be there to get you." I nod giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I promise I'll text you." I call over my shoulder walking out of the house.

"Thank you so much for getting me out of that house i was beginning to feel a bit stir crazy." I say looking at Bella. "Hey, Don't give her all the credit it was my Idea." I turn to face Becky with a pout on her lips. "Thank you Becky." I say calmly with an eye roll. Trying to get credit for everything all the time but that's what makes her the Becky we love and know. "How's Xavier?" I ask Becky. He hasn't come by the house  for the past two weeks nor has he called and that's not like him at all. I'm starting to get worried. Him, Becky and I have always been close and they've really helped me a lot for the past five years I seriously don't know what I would've happened to me if I never met them. We used to tell each other everything but we haven't done much lately. And it  partially feels like it's my fault. "I honestly don't know what's going on. His been acting weird lately." Her voice trails off thinking the same thing. I look at Bella with wide eyes. "Hey Bella, Are you okay? You look a little too flushed." I ask a little worried. She coughs before giving me a small smile. "Uhmmm yeah I'm fine." That's strange. I narrow my eyes at her choosing not to say anything right now. "Let me just call him right now and see if he wants to join us." I say looking for my phone in my purse. I dial his number waiting for him to pick up. He does so after the fourth ring. "Hey Xav, How are you?" I ask cheerfully. His quiet for a minute before he speaks. "I'm okay." He replies but his voice sounds a bit tired. "I haven't heard from in a long time. What's wrong?" I ask. "Yeah, sorry about that I've just been a bit busy lately." He says. It's not like I've tried to call and check up on him, I've had a lot on my mind since the accident and don't get me started on the stalker issue but that shouldn't be an excuse nor should my late absence. "Okay, So Bella,Becky and I are at the café close by. Do you want to come join us?" I ask hoping he agrees to come I really miss him. "N-n-no  I'm sorry I can't." He says nervously then abruptly hanging up on me. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, What's that all about. "Is he coming?" Bella asked. I shake my head. That was definitely weird. As we continued the day I just couldn't shake off the conversation I had with Xavier.  Something was definitely wrong I could feel it or I'm just over analysing the situation he must've been really been busy and he couldn't talk at the moment. I really hope that was the case.

The next day I tried to call Xavier just to see if he was okay but I couldn't get a hold of him it kept sending me right straight to voicemail which mostly never happens  often. "Hey Xav, it's me again, I'm just a bit worried so if you could please switch on your phone and  tell me your alright please." Releasing a long sigh. Sending  the tenth voicemail in last three hours. Let me call someone else maybe his just charging his phone or something. He picks up immediately. "Hey Baby Doll, what's up?" He asks lightly. "Have you by any chance spoken to Xavier? I've been trying to call him but it's going straight to voicemail." I ask. "No I haven't. I don't remember seeing him today actually." He replies back and adds. "I'm sure it's nothing but if it will make you feel better I'll ask ma to check up on him I'll call you in a few minutes."  He tells me. "Okay." I hang waiting for his call. I throw my phone on the bed so I don't keep checking and start pacing the room. After a few minutes it rings and I rush to pick it up nearly tripping over my own feet. "Hello." Sounding a bit out of breath. "Doll are you okay?" He asks a bit worried. "Yeah, Yeah I'm fine. Is he around?" I dismiss his question eager to know about Xavier. "No his not in his room she hasn't seen him too since morning no one has." He signs. "Don't worry I'm sure his just with his friends and his battery died." He assures me. "I guess so. I'm just being a little dramatic." I sit down smoothing the invisible lines on my jeans. "No it's okay your just worried it's perfectly normal." I just nod my head not able voice out anything right now. "I miss you so much Baby." I whisper in low voice. I didn't get to see him yesterday because I went out with girls what don't look at me like that I missed my man. "I miss you too" he coos. "I'm almost done for the day, Then I can come and take you out. We haven't done anything in a while." It's true and I'm just dying to have some alone time with him and not worry about any family members barging into the room like the own the damn place A.K. A my brother's. "Yeah, That would be nice." I smile feeling a bit better. "And this time we won't have any interruptions." I can literally feel the smile in his voice. "Oh my God. Ace!" I blush covering my face. I hear him chuckle. "What I'm just being honest." He says. "I just can't with you. I'm hanging up now bye." I hear him snicker before I hang up. This boy will be the death of me.

Chapter FORTY-FOUR ready for you. I hope you love it. Not gonna lie it took me a while before I actually finished it.
Don't forget to

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