Chapter 14

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The night had fallen by the time we reached our destination. A few miles west of the city boundaries, an old building was concealed in the woods, connected to the tunnel system.

There were other entries to the tunnels, closer to the location of the anchor. But we didn't want to go anywhere nearby in plain view. We couldn't risk being spotted.

So we went through Arthur's building even though we had to travel a good distance underground in order to reach the anchor.

Arthur parked the car near on the dirt road, followed by Charles, then we all filed out. There were no lights around, and my eyes took a while to adjust after the car's lights were turned off.

"Harvey, Amanda, stay behind." Arthur ordered when we all gathered at the battered looking door of the two story building. "Everyone else, with me, we have a long way to travel. I don't want anyone using their magic down there, we don't know how far he's monitoring."

The inside was as dilapidated as the outside looked. The wooden planks groaned and squeaked under our weight. The front door opened to a large space where a living room would be. It was quite dark, so I didn't see much, but the strong smell of damp and dust suggested the place had been vacant for years.

Arthur knelt in the middle of the living room. After a few seconds of feeling around him, he held his hand parallel to the floor. A square piece of wood upended itself from the rest of the wooden planks with a sudden, harsh sound. It floated gently to the floor next to the opening it revealed. Arthur looked back at us, "Charles, take the rear."

I heard a faint sound of a sword being drawn out of its scabbard. Irene and I exchanged a look then we both took out our knives.

Arthur jumped down through the opening first, Irene followed. I peeked down, all I could see was black.

"The ground is closer than you think," Irene said from below. Here goes nothing. I dropped to a crouch on uneven ground. Irene was right, it was closer than expected.

I got out of the way for the others, bumped into Irene. Suddenly, a torchlight illuminated the tunnel. I glared at Arthur, he was holding the light so I couldn't see his expression clearly. Asshole.

"You just brought it out now!" I said. I could almost hear the smile in his voice when he answered.

"It slipped my mind."

Irene snorted next to me, I jabbed her side with my elbow.

The tunnel was wide enough for two people to walk side by side comfortably, the ceiling over seven feet high. The stone walls looked sturdy enough.

Arthur helped Kat and Poline down. Such a gentleman. Then Charles dropped down with the agility of a cat.

Arthur took the lead, followed by Kat and Poline, then Irene and I. Charles fell behind us. I just realized the two vampires sandwiched us in between them. I shook my head. Men.

We walked at a reasonable pace in silence. Charles also had a torchlight so we saw where to put our steps. Although Irene didn't need it, obviously. Shapeshifters, especially predatory ones, had good night vision.

About thirty minutes in, Irene's breathing started changing. I glanced at her.

"You okay?" I whispered. She nodded, but she didn't look okay. Sweat flattened strands of black hair to the ivory skin of her face, her eyes were no longer dark but a mix of blue and brown whirling around in her irises.

"Irene?" I whispered. She closed her eyes for a moment.

"I just need a moment."

She opened her eyes, still a tornado of blue and brown, but with a glint of determined courage. "I just don't like being... caged in."

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