Chapter 61

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I wanted to skip dinner and read my mother's diary. Unfortunately, Arthur assured me that would be an insult to our hosts. Uncle Robert raised me better than that, so I took the wooden box and sneaked into our room with Arthur.

Well, I was the one who sneaked, really. Arthur just strode confidently through the hallway. I asked him what he'd do if someone saw the box and questioned it, and he gave me a look that conveyed how stupid he thought I was to think someone would dare question him.

"Where are the others?" I asked once we were safely behind closed doors.

"I told them to prepare themselves for dinner."

"When?" He'd been with me the entire time.

"When I was with you."

I put the box on the table near the fireplace and turned to Arthur. He walked into the closet. I went to lean against the door and watched as he picked a white dress shirt from his open suitcase and a pair of black dress pants.

"What do you mean?"

He pulled off his shirt and glanced at me, his eyes amused. "Aren't you going to look away?"

"Now why would I do that?"

He chucked his shirt aside and grinned at me. "You're usually very prude about things like this."

"What's wrong with being prude?" I asked, venturing into the closet.

"Absolutely nothing."

"Well, I am usually prudish. But I'm learning not to be with my own mate." I stopped in front of him. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"On the contrary," he said, putting his hands on my waist. "I'm very pleased."

I poked his chest. "Tell me what you meant, about telling the others."

I pulled away from him and turned to eye a new looking suitcase set on the table in the center of the closet.

Arthur sighed. "I have a... sort of a mental link with Charles and Marianno."

I turned to look at him. "What does that mean?"

"It means I am able to convey thoughts via a mental pathway between us."

I whistled. "Handy. I didn't know that."

"It's a one way street. Meaning they can't reach me. But I usually convey orders, and have a fair idea about their mental and emotional state." He rubbed his jaw. "You may be able to do that, as well. I believe you might be able to feel the links I have to my people. As our bond strengthens and you grow into your power, you might be able to link with them, as well."

I snickered. "I bet Charles would just love that."

It turned out the suitcase was courtesy of Amanda. Irene brought it along. It contained paper-wrapped garments, shoes and a makeup bag, with a note that said. "These are your armors. Wear them. P.S. I will be very disappointed if you don't. XO"

Arthur seemed amused by my sour expression as we emptied the suitcase and hung the delicate clothes in the dresser. There were a couple of dresses and a suit. The refined material and elegant cuts were impressive. I fiddled with the ring on my finger.

"Do I really have to?" I asked Arthur, who was back at putting on his clothes.

"Yes. Amanda is right, in a way. Think of them as armor. You're no longer simply a nameless fae who had once lived as a human. You're a power in your own right. It might sound shallow, but some people do judge appearances. You're a Royal, a powerful fae, and my mate. People would not forget that, but it will help if you remind them once in a while by dressing the part."

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