Bonus Chapter 5

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Elle loved my house.

For some reason, that thought was extremely satisfying.

I owned many houses, but this one was the closest thing to a home I had, after losing Toby.

The darkness born of guilt and power and anger reared its ugly head. My magic licked its lips, eager to ravage and destroy.

Elle sighed behind me, drawing me out of the pit of shadows. I lead the way through the house to the guest bedrooms. I chose the one overlooking the backyard and the cliff. I had a feeling she would enjoy the view.

It would also make it more difficult for her to sneak out.

I eased the door open and stepped aside. She walked past me. I took a deep breath. Her scent lingered in my nose.

That lollipop in her mouth was driving me insane.

She scanned the room. Her eyes fell on the fireplace and glittered like polished gems. She touched a hesitant hand to it. I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my arms.

"Bathroom and closet," I told her when she glanced at the door next to her.

She dropped her hand and walked to the French doors. The ocean's salty air drifted in when she opened them, tickling her short hair. Standing against the backdrop of the green garden and the blue deep beyond it, she looked small and vulnerable. It was very easy to forget she had held her own against a group of immortals.

"Where are the bars?" she asked.

"Funny," I deadpanned, even though my lips twitched up. She just had to say something.

She strolled back in, closing the door against the sound of waves, and touched the bed. "Thanks. I try. Whose house is this?"


The look in her eyes was immensely amusing. Panic. Her heart rate picked up. She took the lollipop out of her mouth. "What do you mean, yours? And why am I staying here if this is your house? I can stay somewhere else!"

"Calm down. My living quarters are on the third floor. Don't you want to share living arrangements with me?"

"I don't want to share anything with you." She scowled and stuck the lollipop in her mouth again. Damn candy.

I let my gaze drift over her body, deliberately slow. She was armed to the teeth, her boots were worn out, and she obviously dressed for comfort and flexibility. She was far from being typically seducing. Yet with that defiant look in her eyes, her violence-splattered clothes and her short, golden hair, she looked incredibly alluring.

I grinned, loading it with a promise of sensuality. "Really? I think there are many, many things we could share."

She removed the candy from her mouth and chuckled, yet there was nothing amused about the sound. "Right. No. Not happening."

And she was serious. "Why not?"

She rolled her eyes. "Arthur, I'm sure you're not lacking in female company."

"What if I am?"

"Then I'm sure there's someone out there who'll take pity on you."

Someone who'd take pity... She really did not have the slightest sense of self-preservation. She was on my island, in my house, with nothing to stand between her and my magic, and still she was mouthing off. She was an absolute delight to have around.

I strolled inside and closed the distance between us. I could see the urge to back away from me written in every line of her body. She stood her ground. Her courage was commendable. "What about you?"

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