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-April 2nd, Tuesday-

~Tobias' POV~

I unlock my door and open it to a familiar sight. A family pre-battle gathering. The first person I see is my wife in the dinning room, given she's still talking to Iorian. Then I see my brother-in-law's, as well as my own siblings joining into my wife's conversation with the vampire. And speaking of vampires, I notice the Rowans having a heated discussion of their own in the kitchen.

I turn and I notice my eldest son arguing with Natasha off to the side, leading my eyes to my living room full of what I assume is Masons brand new pack, thankfully in their humans forms. And with all this chaos going around my home, I once again wonder, what the hell have I missed? And I see my wife wave me over, and I slip through the abundance of werewolves to get to her. "Babe, what's going on?" I ask her, and she pulls me aside, "A lot actually, I honestly don't even know where to begin." Tells me, "Long story short, witches exist. And apparently, they're the cause for vampirism. Or, at least, one witch was. That just so happened to be Iorian's mother. Which caused other witches to make a deal with the werewolves, and now, they're about to give either Mason a friendly visit or give Iorian a highly aggressive visit. We just don't know which or when." She explains, and I knew it had to be bad but, Jesus Christ. This is worse.

I look around taking in just how many people are in this apartment. Over a hundred, at least. I nearly look back to my wife until I spot someone. Someone who shouldn't necessarily be here. Joshua Murphy and both of his kids, Alexandria Murphy and Zachary.

All talking with Vanessa. Vanessa is understandable by association but, what are three other conclusive family members doing here right now? I tune back into my wife, ". . . And right now, were trying to find two antidotes for two different things for the sake of Iorian's siblings." - "Wait what? He has a mother and siblings?" - "Yes, as well a father too that's currently locked in a witchy prison world with his mother. Trust me, it gets crazier." She says, and she goes on explaining how two siblings were staked with a cursed stake. And how, his other two siblings were poisoned by a dagger. "And now, I'm trying to convince Iorian to take me to his siblings. And he's avoiding me by telling my brothers and your siblings exactly what I just told you." She tells me, and I find myself quirking again.

"Why?" I ask her, and she smiles a bit, "Because, I have a theory." She says, "The witches use nature for their magic, and since Meta-humans are unnatural, I'm guessing so is our blood. Giving my blood to his siblings could not only cure them but, it'll confirm whether or not meta's are the witches Achilles heel." She explains, and I instantly don't like this plan. "You want to give four ancient and slumbering vampires your blood and essentially your abilities, to test a theory?" I ask, and she sighs, just as Iorian obviously hears me. "Ah! There you are, and now that you've heard how ridiculously dangerous your wife's plan is, please join me in telling her we're not doing it." He says, and I nod. "Gladly," I say, turning to her, "Natalie, we're not doing it." I tell her she crosses her arms with a 'hmph'. Just then, "Ooh but I think we should." Natasha comes up beside my wife, giving me this look.

"I think it'd be in everybody's best interest to do this plan." She says, and I clench my jaw so hard. "Don't you think Tobias?" She asks me, and it's so on. She's blackmailing me. "Not really, no. But it doesn't really matter, given Iorian's the only one who knows where his siblings are." I tell her, and Natasha clenches her jaw. But only for a second, before lighting up like a light bulb, and switching to the other side of Natalie.

"If that's the case, then I say you should really give this plan a second thought, Iorian." She says, giving him those same evil eyes she gave me.

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