Chapter 11

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~Another Three Years Later~

-May 2nd, Monday-

~Natalie's POV~

"There you go sissy," My son says, handing his little sister her pink sippy cup. Right before moving onto to giving his little brother his blue sippy cup. My heart melts. He's seven now, and as the days go on, he's starting to look exactly like his father when he was little. "Thank you sweetheart, your a good big brother, y'know that?" I tell him, and he smiles and tackles me with hugs.

I peak at my twins while loving my eldest, and I literally watch them switch sippy cups. "Nevaeh, James, It's the same juice y'know?" I tell them, and they both roll their eyes at me. I definitely taught them that but, I laugh-scoff in shock, and I see my eldest son saw and he too, was shocked. I snap my fingers and take their sippy cups away with my ability, and they whine for them, "Are you gonna roll your eyes at me again you two?" I questions my three year olds, and they both shake their heads no. I float their cups back into their hands, and that's when I hear a deep chuckle from behind me.

I see that it's my husband, and I lay my head back on the couch and pucker my lips for a kiss, and he gives me one and then some. "Ewww, that's gross mommy! You too daddy!" My eldest yells, making me and Tobias laugh. "No it's not Toby, you just think it is. You should be happy your mommy and daddy love each other." I tell him, and he scrunches his nose, "How can I be happy when you're giving daddy cooties and he's okay with it? Girls have cooties." He responds, and that makes Tobias burst into laughter while my jaw just drops at my sons words. "How would you know girls have cooties?" I ask him, tickling his tummy a bit, and he starts laughing and blushing. "Do you a little girlfriend son?" His father asks him, coming around the couch to sit on the other side of our son.

He shakes his head and yet, his smile gives him away. Me and Tobias look up at each other with wide eyes. He literally just tried to play us for fools. Tried to claim cooties when in reality, he has a girl at school! He's only seven!

What the heck man! "Who's your girlfriend hmm?" I ask, and he starts shaking his head. "Don't tell mommy son, tell me. I won't get mad, mommy will." My husband says, and I roll my eyes as my son whispers in his dads ear. And I watch the smile on my husband's face fade, and I become worried. "Who is it?" I ask him, and I snatch up my son from trying to stop his father from telling me.

"Her names Beatrice, Natalie." He says, and my heart plummets. There is no goddamn way my son is boyfriend-girlfriend with that she-devils seed! And if he is, that shit ends today! "What's her last name son? And now mommy's not playing around so, you better tell me and it better be the truth." I say, and he hesitates, but only for a bit, "I don't remember but, I do remember it starts with a P, since that's what's on her cubbie at school." He tells me, and I fizzle with rage. If that little girl is in his class, and she is about my sons age, then that means, "Your brother babe!" I say in a gasp, and he quirks at me.

I tell our son to go play with his siblings, "What about him?" He asks, "He was messing around with Tris almost seven years ago. That could be his little girl, unless of course she's already been around the block here in Dauntless' seven years ago." I say, and he shakes his head laughing. "No dear, she has a husband and they've been together since then." He simply says, and I sit up angrily, "How would you know that?" I question, and he shakes his head with a smile, "I set them up babe. And I'm only friends with him Natalie, and all he does is talk about her and their daughter. You honestly knocked some sense into me when you talked about her having my niece or nephew so, I took initiative." He explains, and I calm down a bit. "What exactly did you do, and why exactly did you not let me know about that?" Are my next questions, "I met him, became friends, and suggested Tris when he told me he was looking for someone. And I didn't tell you because I had absolutely no contact with Tris in the process so, if I'm in trouble for solving a problem of ours please, let me know now." He responds, and he shuts me down completely, and I shake my head and snuggle into him. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He mutters, snuggling me back, and it makes me wanna pinch him but, I don't. I lay my head on the love of my life and together we watch our eldest son show his siblings how to stack blocks.

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