Chapter 7

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~Nine Months Later~

-May 6th, Wednesday 8:37 p.m.-

~Jade's POV~

I finishing painting my last painting for the night, and I take off my apron. It's a painting of a pink flower, and it's going to be a gift for Lauren at her baby shower tomorrow. I know, pretty late to have a baby shower huh? She insisted though, that it'd have to be after she hit full term. And as you can already assume, I think it's gonna be a girl, since I had a boy first.

I head into my bathroom and I wash my hands. I finish and dry them, and head out my bedroom and downstairs. I look around for Tobias and my son but, I don't immediately see them so, I look through some walls. And that's when I spot them. He was giving him a bubble bath in the downstairs bathroom.

And usually, my heart would melt at such a scene but, it doesn't. All my mind starts screaming when I think of or see Tobias is 'Liar!' And I can stop it. In fact, my heart hurts when I think of him, and yet I still let him live in our apartment with me for the sake of our son. And speaking of him, I admire how big he's gotten.

He started to crawl last month, and now he's trying to stand. Not to mention, his hair is coming in. It's curly, like mine! Something I absolutely love. I watch my roommate dry off our son, put his diaper on, get him dressed, and I watch him carry him out the bathroom.

"...Can you sayyy dada? Say dada. I know you can do it. Say dada Junie." I hear him baby talk to our son, I furrow my eyebrows a bit, and I approached them. "No don't listen to him, say mama son. Say mama, mamababy." I baby talk, and the moment my son heard my voice and saw me, he lit up, and wriggled and babbled in his dads arms. I smirk at Tobias and all he does is roll his eyes, "Say dada Junie. Da-Da, say da-da." He repeats, "Ma-ma, say ma-ma son." I say, stealing his attention from off his dad. And now our son looks between the two of us, back and forth. And I couldn't help but stand close to my husband and laugh with him as our son tries to choose between us.

But eventually, ". . . Da . . . Da." Our son musters up, and we both gasp. Him out of excitement, me out of betrayal. "He just said his first word! He just said dada!" Tobias celebrates, and I just stand there and watch him dance around with our son. Making him laugh, and laugh until he was all red and couldn't no more. And even though I didn't want to ruin their moment, I couldn't help but feel sad.

His first word wasn't mama, and I've been trying so hard these past few months. I feel the tears coming so, I try to quickly slip away but, "Natalie wait!" Tobias says, and I stop in my tracks, and bite back my feelings. I hear him put our son in his play-pen, and I hear him walk towards me. He grabs and holds my hands, and I let him, not realizing, "Don't be like that, he said his first word in general, who cares what the word was?" - "I do! That was supposed to be my moment!" I pout, and he starts laughing at me. I pull my hands out of his and take a step back from him, "Jerk." I mutter, "You're happy he said dada first, look at you, rubbing it in with that laugh and that smile. Fucker." I add kinda serious kinda not, and he laughs and smiles some more, and that just tipped the scales. My pout turns into a frown and I turn away and head for the stairs sniffling, he grabs my arm.

"Come here, let me hug you. I know you want a hug from me." He says, and I cross my arms and shake my head, "Uh-Uh, no I don't. Or at least n-not from you, y-you baby thief. Go away." I say, trying to push him away and trying not to break down crying. Which was pretty hard, since he kept grabbing my arms. We haven't been intimate since the night I found out about his big lie. No hugs, no kisses, not even a damn glance. And it's starting to become painful for me, since he's been so good to me this whole time.

Taking care of our son, bringing me flowers, bears, chocolates, doing my paperwork, trying to talk it out with me. He's making it hard to stay mad at him. But obviously, today being the nine month marker of being separated, I've kept persistent. He needs to learn his lesson, and realize how much he hurt me, and us. This family. Tobias hugs me, with his big strong arms around my shoulders, and I can't stop myself from indulging just a bit.

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