Chapter 12

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                            ~Four months later~

                  -January 1st, Wednesday-

                                ~Tobias' POV~

I slide my key into my apartment door, and unlock it, opening it and stepping in. I go straight to the kitchen and set down my things, and I turn my head to see something I'd rather of not bare witness to. I see my brother, dead asleep with his head on top of my also sleeping wife's over sized baby bump. And her hands were in his hair, just like she'd do when she was pregnant with my kids. I look away, hating all of this.

My brother is bestfriends with my wife. I don't know which I hated more, Eric being bestfriends with her, or this. Yeahhh, definitely this. I mean, his babies are inside of her, and three of them are also hers. I'm married to the mother of my first nephews and another niece.

I take my book, my hard-cover book of paperwork and slam it on the kitchen counter, and both of them jump awake. "Rise and shineee oh family of mine!" I say, and they both look at me sleepily. "Oh hi baby, how was the meeting?" My wife asks me, rubbing her eyes. While my brother on the other hand, snuggled back into my wife's bump, putting his arms all the way around her. He's obviously taking advantage of the fact that once those babies are out, this cuddling my wife shit stops.

I know he's in love with her, it's becoming pretty obvious now. And not to mention, I remember the exact day he told me he was. It was before I felt anything for her. He told me how he felt about her, and I realized I didn't want him to talk to her. And so I made her mine, and then my wife, and then the mother of my child.

All while he sat by, became my brother, and watched. And I'm starting to think, this is exactly my karma. This is exactly what I get for not being his bestfriend. I should've let him talk to her, and let Natalie decide who exactly she wanted to be with. I wish I could've done something to avoid this.

"Insufferable, as usual. But only because of Marcus. I can't stand the son of a bitch and yet here I am, related to him. I just hate that I have to see him twice today." I say, and she lays her head all the way back to be able to look at me upside down, since apparently my brother fell back asleep on her. "Why do you have to see him twice?" She asks, and I sigh, leaning up against the kitchen counter. "Today's final testing for this year's initiates and unfortunately, all the leaders are monitoring Dauntless this year. In fact, they're all about to be here later today." I say and that's when I see my brother's eyes pop open, and he lifts his head up off her bump. "Wow, I totally forgot about that. Hasn't it been like five-six years since the last time they monitored Dauntless." He says, and Natalie lifts her head back up to look at him. "Well duh, there's five factions. But what's the sudden interest? You literally lit up off of me all excited just then." She says and asks, and I wonder the same thing.

"Okay, I'm just gonna be honest with you two," he says, avoiding our eyes, "I kinda wanna meet him, our dad." He says, looking at me mainly. And rage courses through my veins, "You did not just say that." I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Alex, you still wanna meet him? Even after all he's done?" My wife asks him, and I widen my eyes at him as he looks between me and my wife. "Guys guys, chill out. He's a poor excuse for a man, I know and I get that. The only reason why I wanna meet him is because he doesn't even know I exist." My brother says, and I can see the pain the fact causes for my brother. "I'm his son, and he doesn't know I exist. Before he hurt you and your mother, he hurt me and mine. Don't worry about me wanting to know that man, because I already do. He's an abandoner, an abuser, and a rapist. All I wanna do, is look that man in his eyes, tell him my full name and who I am. I want him to know, for twenty-plus years, he had another son he had no idea about. So it eats him alive." He says, and I sigh with relief.

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