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~Five days later~

-September 13th, Friday-

~Natalie's POV~

"Heyy Nat, what're you doing here?" He greets me with, and I smile. But his nervous eyes makes my smile drop. "I'm here to hug and see our teenagers and my bestfriend's. Why?" I say and ask, and he lets me in, and hugs me. "Uhh," he starts, "No reason. Just out of the blue. Aren't you still mad at me? From last week?" - "You continuously disrespect your eldest nephew, of course I'm still mad." I say, and he looks away, as guilty as they come. "He disrespected me first." He mumbles, and I poke his side.

 "And who's the grown adult?" I ask, and he huffs at me. "You do realize he's not seventeen anymore right? He's twenty." - "And you're forty. You're twice his age and yet, you still let him get under your skin." I come back at him with, and he rolls his eyes at me. I close the door behind me, set my purse down, and that's when I spot my little girl. Eyes glued to her brand new Eye-phone 1E. Auburn curls as messy as ever, covering her face as she taps and scrolls. 

And look to see Violet, right next her, nose deep as well. Huh. I didn't know they got her one too. I look back at my daughter, and she finally looks over at me. "Hiii mom." She says,  and I come over and kiss her forehead.

 She's getting to be so pretty. "How long has she been stuck in that phone?" I ask, seeing Vanessa trying to install a new flat screen TV. I watch in amusement as she struggles, "Since you handed it to her yesterday. She's just like you y'know, already taken like a thousand pictures of herself." She points out, making me laugh. And I even catch the corners of my daughter's lips turn up. "Like mother, like daughter apparently. And Ness, stop." I tell her, taking wires out her hands.

 "I'll have someone come and install this for you guys. Since Caleb surely didn't mind sending someone to install mine, he won't mind one more installation." I tell her, setting the wires aside, and she hugs me. I hug her back, "Thank you Nat, so much." She says, "You're welcome love, and anyways, you shouldn't be the one attempting to do this. Your man should be. Speaking of which, where did he go?" I say and ask, and I head down the hall, nearly running into him. "There you are," I say, watching him close our son's door behind him. I quirk. "Oh hey Nat, wassup?" He asks, and I squint my eyes at him. 

And when his left eye twitches, I know for a fact something's up. "What's going on Alexander?" I ask, inching closer to him, knowing damn well he'll back up against the door. "N-Nothing, why?" He says and asks, and I suck my teeth a bit. I keep my eyes with his, and I go for the door knob. Having him stop me.

 We both look at his hand stopping my hand, and then back up into eachothers eyes. "Alex?" I ask, and he hesitates to answer me, "Yes?" He asks, obviously trying to play it cool. "What's on the other side of our son's door?" I ask, and he merely searches my eyes, as if he was looking for the answer. "I-I . . " He manages, "I just walked in on this, this morning, after unlocking his door. And I've been freaking out on what to do. I was just in there before you got here, and I was going to try and deal with it myself, since I know you have a lot going on but," he says, and I grow more and more worried by the second, "I honestly don't know what to do with this." He says, finally opening the door himself.

 I step in. And my heart drops. My son. In his bed. With a girl

Half naked. And the first thing I do, is step right the fuck back out. And I tell him to close the door. And I just look at him. And I don't blame him for not knowing what to do. 

Given that's exactly where I am now. He's fourteen. Fourteen. Why does my fourteen-year-old son, have a half naked girl in his bed?

 I feel my adrenaline spiking, and I try to not let it get to me. I need to be the grown up. I need to be his mother. I pinch the bridge of my nose, and stare at his door as I put my hair up. I head into the downstairs bathroom and I go into the medicine cabniet for the contraceptive pills I bought just in case.

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