Chapter 1

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                      ~Nearly Nine Months later~

                          -August 1st, Thursday-

                                 ~Natalie's POV~

I waddle over to my couch and plop down. And I when I say waddle, I mean literally waddle. I lay my hand on my watermelon sized baby bump and sigh. I start thinking about Tobias, since he just kissed me goodbye. He left to go get my older brother over to watch me, and then leave for the monthly leader meetings, just like he did the first of last month.

I used to go with him but, now I'm too far long. He wouldn't let me travel in the first place, and just to shut me up, at the previous ultrasound he asked the doctor if traveling distances was okay in the third trimester. And of course, the doctor said no, it's not okay. Makes sense though. Technically, I could be due any day now.

And I am mortally terrified. Besides the beginnings of parenting, my mother explained to me how childbirth felt like, and I am not looking forward to the pain. But she also told me, once the pushing is over, I'm gonna look down at the baby on my chest, and it'll all be worth it. And speaking of the little guy, I feel him kick me. I smile, and I gentle poke my tummy.

And he kicks me again, making me laugh. I can't wait to meet him, and neither can his father. Tobias has been such an absolute angel to me, helping me, comforting me through it all. We still argue here and here but, that's mainly about alpha and beta leader paperwork and filing and such. Since that's what he's stuck me with, rather than doing speeches with him, being seen. But I'm not as mad though, since he's doing it to protect me and our son.

Not everyone needs to know I'm pregnant with his kid, and sometimes you don't know how far people will go to see results out of a leader. Not that the results aren't there though. This faction is doing excellent with me and Tobias, just like how it left off before Max stood down. But its mostly thanks to my husband, my alpha. I suck my teeth and pout, I miss him.

And now he won't be back for another five hours. I breath, and tickle my baby with my ability, and he kicks multiple times. I smile once again, and I force myself to stand up so I could go get myself some water from the kitchen. And little Tobias kicks away inside my tummy. I grab a glass from the cabinet, and suddenly I get a ferocious back pain.

I set the glass down and grip the counter, hissing. I place my hands on my lower back and stretch it. And for some reason, I hear water hitting the floor yet, I never put water in my glass. I look down, and I see my comfy mom pants are spoiled and a puddle accumulated at my feet. Oh no. Oh no no no, not fucking now!

Tobias just left! And I'm alone. My water just broke. But why don't I feel any-, "Ahh!" I groan, feeling him drop inside of me, most likely getting ready to push through my vaginal canal. This baby is coming, and he's coming now.

"AHH! Miles!" I yell desperately as I inch over to the couch, hunched over holding my belly. I use the couch for support for a moment while I look through the walls of my apartment, searching for somebody. When I don't see anybody, I push off the couch and inch over to the door, fighting through the pain of basically holding my son from beginning his way out of me. Tobias can't miss the birth of our first kid, I won't do that to him. I make it to my apartment door and I rip it open, "MILES!" I yell, and my knees give out.

I keep myself from falling on my stomach and I fall straight onto my knees, which was unbelievably painful due to the extra weight. I look down the hall and me and my brother make eye contact while I clutch my belly, and he drops everything in his hands and runs to me. And without words he picks me up bridal style, and runs out of the A corridor, and straight to the infirmary. The front desk nurse spots my brother carrying me over, and she springs from her seat, puts in a code on a keypad on this wall, and pulls a lever before yelling for a doctor and other nurses, and I start hearing an alarm on the outside speakers of Dauntless.

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