Chapter 2

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                             -August 1st, Thursday-

                                  ~Natalie's POV~

"Is our little girl awake in here?" I hear a familiar voice ask from the other side of the delivery room door, and Tobias says to come in. I look to see my father was here, and he had my son in  his arms. "Daddy! Oh my god you're here!" I say excitedly, and I start to try and stand up and Tobias physically stops me, and my dad verbally stops me as well. "Sweetheart no, you stay in that bed. You just had my grandson for Pete's sake." He says, and I sit back down next to my husband. And I see that my mother followed behind my dad, "My babycakes!" She says and she rushes over to my side of the bed, and gives me a big hug while I sat. "Hi mommy, I'm so happy to see you guys." I tell them, and my father comes over and side hugs me, since he had my son perfectly balanced and held close in the other arm.

Something I don't think I could do with a ten pound baby, "likewise sugarplum, just as much as we're happy to see this little guy right here." He says, rocking my son in his arm. "Okay, you gotta teach me how to hold a baby so ...professionally." My husband says, making my father laugh. "Oh no son, this is something you learn overtime, something you'll soon perfect." He says, and Tobias sucks his teeth. "It's all about positioning when it comes to fragile little beginnings." My father adds, while my mother steals my son away from him. "Heyyy, gimme my grandson back woman, I was not finished holding him you baby hog." He says to her with a pout, and my mother laughs like a mid-evil witch that just tricked someone.

"Our grandson, knucklehead. She came out of me so I get majority time with who came out of her." She says, sticking her tongue out at him. "Last time I recall, you need two to make a baby," my father jokingly glares over at me and Tobias, "Soo, I'd say we get equal amount of time with our descendant." He adds, making me and Tobias smile and laugh at how they fight over holding our son. "Okay, says Mr. I-wanna-act-mad-when-told-about-grandbaby-but-proceeds-to-bug-wife-to-hold-said-grandbaby." My mother fires at him, and me and my husband can't help but react. I gasp while Tobias 'Ooo's' the situation, instigating. Just then, my brothers walk in 'ooo'ing' our dad as well. "Okay I may not be able to ground him but I still sure as hell can ground both of you." Our dad says, gesturing to Tobias.

"Ahh come on dad, using discipline after audibly getting burnt by mom is just cheap." Miles says, and both of my brother's laugh to themselves. "That's it, two weeks Miles Cameron Harris!" He says pointing at him, "And don't give me that 'oh-you-won't-be-here-so-it-doesn't-matter' look either, cuz that's exactly how long we're staying here in Dauntless, just so you won't have to visit us so soon." My father pauses," Cuz if we leave tonight, you will be bringing that baby over as soon as my babygirl is all healed up." My father announces, and I can tell he didn't run this by my husband since I feel his vibe change while laying on his chest.

Attentive to confused. "If that's alright with the alpha of course." He adds, realizing he needed to ask. "Won't Johanna mind? Given your talking about more than a couple days here." He asks my father, and my whole family chuckles. "You know about the whole story of how erm," my father pauses, "William was separated from us years ago right?" He asks him, and he nods, since I literally involved him in bringing him home to this family. "Yeah well, as you should know, Johanna was the one that did that. And even though she was just abiding by her factions rules, she still feels the guilt of tearing our family apart all these years so, turning a blind eye when it comes to the Harris family, isn't as hard for her to do as you think it'd be." My father explains, "It's like she's in debt with us. Seventeen years worth of debt." My mother explains in her own way, and I look past her at my brother, Liam.

He had a frown on his face so profound you could see it from a mile away, without binoculars. And I know what he's thinking about, since the topic was just brought up. Seventeen years, spent away from his whole family besides our aunt and his adoptive mother Jane. Seventeen goddamn years. And that fact alone still scars me too, even though he's sat right across the room from me.

Twin Image: Family, Before AnythingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ