Chapter 4

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                               ~The Next Day~

                            -August 5th, Monday-

                                  ~Jade's POV~

"Hey Natalie, could I talk to you?" Lauren stops me, and asks, and of course I obliged her and took her back to my apartment. Tobias was over at our old apartment with our son and my parents so, I knew we could talk in private here. "What's on your mind?" I ask heading into the kitchen, and she follows me. I open my fridge for a bottle of water but I stop and turn when I hear her sniffle. I set it down and come to her side, "Lauren, what's wrong?" I ask her, and she starts to cry.

I take her arms and make her look at me, "Breath, and tell me what's bothering you." I say, and she takes a breath. "Natalie," he starts, "I think your brothers cheating on me." She says, and I immediately widen my eyes at her. I open my mouth to react but she stops me, "That. . . Is not all," she says, "I-I'm pregnant." She adds, and I gasp. And I can't help but jump for joy, but of course, I soon stop when I see she's not jumping with me. I gotta clear this up, because I know exactly what she's thinking.

"Natalie, he's been leaving me more and more, for longer periods of time. Sometimes early in the morning, and recently he left in the middle of the night. I don't see any hickeys or anything other signs of cheating like perfume, or lipstick or anything b-but what else could be doing l-like-" - "Shhh, Lauren stop. Calm down for me. For once, I can explain something and solve this for you." I say, and she instantly sucks up her tears and listens to me. "My brother is not cheating on you. What he is doing is cheating on our family. He's keeping a secret Lauren, a really big secret. He leaves you to go see our supposed dead uncle in the faction-less site next door, who of which apparently had triplets too." I explain, given that's exactly what I heard and saw. "H-How do you know this?" She asks me, and I give her a reassuring smile. "I spotted him walking into the site from my balcony, and I followed him in. I saw all of them hun, and you know I wouldn't lie to you. I'm just wondering why he had to lie to you?" I question aloud, and Lauren chuckles. "You should be wondering why he hasn't told you, your brother, or your aunt and dad. I mean, your uncle literally faked his death and had a life outside of what he used to call home. If that's not a big fuck you to your dad and mainly to your aunt, I don't know what is." Lauren points out, wiping her tears.

And I realize just how right she is. What the fuck am I doing just sitting with this information? That fucker saw me through that door. He saw me. He's the reason me and my brother's are the way we are and he's hiding, and confiding into only one of us.

"Where is my brother?" I ask her, and she gives me that 'really?' look and points towards my balcony. I grab my jacket and throw it on, "I'll be back, I got family issues to deal with." I tell her and I march out my apartment, and to the nearest exit. I stomp into that faction-less site and straight for that door. When I get in front of it, I see it was cracked. I peek my head in, and I see no one was home.

I step in, leaving the door open behind me. I look around, seeing just how homey it was. I see toys in the living room, along with pictures. I head to one picture frame, and I pick it up. It was a picture of my three apparent cousins and their uncle.

Two boys, with one girl in the middle. Just like me and my brothers. Just then I hear the front door creak, and I immediately threw my hand back as I turned my head, throwing whoever was trying to sneak up on me against the wall. I see it was him. And he smiles at me.

"Well if it isn't my favorite niece." He says, and I press him against the wall harder. "I'm your only niece, Jackass." I sneer, and suddenly, I watch my uncles eyes glow golder then mine ever could. It was to the point the whites of his eyes were gold too. I feel my stiff arm begin to shake, and I start to feel a force push against me. And when I look at him again, I realize it's him.

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