The Master and the Stalker

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Life has many ways of testing a person's will. Either by making nothing happen at all, or by making everything happen at once.
- Paulo Coelho

The next day, Alexandra was up at three. Last night, Liam had showed her a department which no one knew anything about. Everybody knew it was there; that it existed. But other than the fact that was so obvious, nobody knew what went into it and what came out. Nobody knew how they worked, functioned. All they claimed was that the people went to join it when they had nothing left to lose in life. 

And the fact that the people who went in, simply never returned. It was a new life, entirely. It was not a department - it was a way of life. The exact thing Alexandra would have preferred. This department ... organization, existed in almost every country:

The Espionage Council.

It collected and handled all data that spies brought. Hundreds of Vedessan spies were posted in different empires even at that moment. They were highly skilled men. Able to survive under any circumstances. Well-versed in fighting. Ready, as much as soldiers, to lay down their lives for Vedessa. The Council also worked on finding out spies from other kingdoms, who might be in Vedessa, in hiding. They made sure none of them got sensitive information. They predicted incoming wars, attacks and even civil unrests. 

They were, in short, the intelligence of the Empire. The Intelligence Bureau. 

Almost every city in Vedessa had a branch of the council, where new recruits were trained, and the passed out ones worked. But the headquarters were here, in Idgard.

It was a square piece of land, large beyond anything Alexandra had expected. Surrounded by a moat on all sides, almost like an island. Only if one showed specific coins and the badges which the Council issued to its members, would the bridge be lowered for you, apart from your face of course, which had to be recognisable. Otherwise, Happy Swimming in a dirty, fifteen feet moat. 

When Liam had arrived, the Head of Espionage council, an old man with a long, flowing beard had greeted him. But, Alexandra had noticed funnily, that he was bald at the head. Liam had then told him everything - or, not everything - just the part about Alexandra coming from Doveland. He did not disclose that she was Alexandra, or a Princess, or Exiled, or a Murderer. Alexandra had let him do the talking. She knew she couldn't trust her big mouth in such a scenario. The old man had then regarded Alexandra with some suspicion, 'But, My Lord, this girl could be a spy from that Doveland!' He had said, making Liam laugh. Alexandra had been slightly offended though.

'No, no, my dear sir!'  Liam had said, still laughing. 'She is not a spy. I know her well. She is seventeen. The age most of them join in. I have seen her possess skills for the job. I know, she is a girl. But you might start recruiting them now, they make up a lot of our population, adding them is wise. It places us in advantage. Perhaps, you can just watch her for a few days. Women, as you must know, Sir, have a natural talent for digging up information.' He had added. Alexandra knew that comment true - for example, when she had wanted to know where the army-men practiced, and nobody would tell her, she had undertaken a series of unsuccessful expeditions across Doveland before stumbling upon the whole Military Wing as an eleven year old. She had been dumbstruck, needless to say. Nevertheless, she was not the perfect epitome of motherhood and nurturing spirit and submissive attitude that people thought "women" were.

'That might be true - but I am not particularly womanly.' She had clarified, before the old, bald man could reply. 'And neither do I spy for anyone. Unless I find them formidable, which Doveland sadly, is not.' She had added. Alexandra had wanted to add more, but Liam had closed his hand upon her wrist, in a gesture that had clearly pronounced, that's enough.

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