Desperate Changes

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Given the creepy way she had introduced herself, Alexandra wouldn't have been surprised if Austin toppled and crashed backwards. So naturally, she was not surprised when his jaw dropped and looked her up and down - trying match the features with what he remembered them to be.

'A-A-Alexandra...' He stammered, recoiling backwards on the cushion, as though stones had fallen on his chest.

'By and by, Brother, you shall learn I'm not Alexandra here. But surely,' she complied, 'you can call me that.' A part of her was rather pleased with the way they were meeting. A reversal of scenario where Alexandra was no longer the helpless one.

Sometimes, life gives you a chance to prove yourself. It also gives you a by-time, a breather, a leisurely break to prepare. Asks for every single drop of sweat and blood for that - AND you should know, that in return - it pays you back. Effectively. Aptly. Without fail.

'I see,' Austin replied, stiffly, sitting back straight, 'where is my questioner?'

'Maybe - just in case - you have impaired your vision somehow - I could have a medic called over. Your questioner stands right in front of you.'

Austin frowned, his brows furrowed, and stood up to look behind Alexandra. When he saw nobody, he walked over to her. 'What are you talking about?' He argued, 'Who is the questioner?'

Alexandra's lips invariably turned upwards into a smug smile. Liam couldn't have done it knowingly, but she loved him a hundred times over now. 'Good day to you, King Austin.' She declared, with a small bow, 'I'm the Head of The Idgardian Espionage Council - Mabel. And I am, also, your questioner.'

Austin looked on the verge of a panicking. His eyes rested on Alexandra for a second, then he shook his head - his mouth slightly open all the while - taking a step backward.

'No-' He faltered.

'Can't help it, brother. Yes, it's me.' Alexandra shrugged. 'Now!' she snapped, 'we've wasted enough time on niceties - sit down and co-operate, please.'

Austin stopped walking backwards, shaking his head and keeping his mouth open. But disbelief was still etched across his face in each and every line. Alexandra registered only a few small changes - he had grown an auburn beard and moustache. He was gaunter than before - perhaps with worry. More slender.

Austin had been this charming and good-looking sort of person. Alexandra had spent more than half her life hearing Austin this and Austin that and Austin whatnot. She herself had been quite in awe of him.

But now, after having several good looks at Liam, Alexandra found Austin... unimpressive.

Well, you can't use the same tools to measure a goldfish and a shark.

Wait a second, Mind, Alexandra asked back, who's the shark here?
But Mind wisely chose to remain quiet.

'Alexandra...' Austin took a breath, 'I don't believe it - this is another trick of these corrupt Idgardians.'

'Have a good look then,' Alexandra sang, flashing her fist sized batch at him, then keeping it back inside. 'And this,' she continued - showing him a bit of Moira. 'And lastly - don't you dare call Idgardians - corrupt.'

'All a hoax!' He maintained, 'that dreadful King - is using you, Alexandra.' And he shook his head, looking at her intensely.

Alexandra gave a small laugh. 'Interesting theories, Sir. But if he is - that is my problem. And you have enough problems to worry about already. For example - this questioning.'

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