Traitor's Correspondence

228 17 1

335 B.C. - Idgard

The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.
- Anonymous

Did six months pass so fast?

Alexandra had no idea. It obviously had. There she was sitting in the Term Party one moment, having and intense argument with Paul, staring into his Hazel eyes like she had to light a fire in them. There she was, getting backed up by Watson - an unnatural event, but it had been happening. There she was, trying to steal Henry's letter and see what he'd scribbled out into it - definitely to Ashley. There she was laughing, holding her stomach as she did, because Daniel, an agent one year older to Fannel had made a stunning sketch of Master George.

And then here she was, standing in the semi-circle around Master George, who paced to and fro, his arms behind his back, trying her best to prevent a chuckle, because every time she looked at Master George she remembered Daniel's sketch. Left to her stood Watson, to her right was Owen - and they could almost hear their heartbeats, everything was so silent and grave.

Alexandra had expected something challenging and difficult in the test, something that would give her trouble. Something that would show her what a spy's life could be like. The fact that the test covered exactly the same points, shook her up. And it hit a little too close home.

'We suspect a few members of the council.' Master George announced, finally stopping his pacing.

'WHAT?!' seven pairs of wide-eyes stared at him, baffled. The temperature must have increased, because Alexandra felt feverishly hot. Suspect members? If spies were suspected, then the very foundation of Idgard's administration was shaking. How could spies be untrustworthy?!

'Yes. We suspect, they are into questionable correspondence. That they are no longer trustworthy.' He continued, as if reading her mind. 'This piece of news reached me just yesterday. I'd already planned your tests. But since you all are at the end of your third year, you all are as good as any other spy here, you know as much as they do and I have decided to give this as your test. And mind you, this is even realer than the last year's test. And it is a lot more dangerous. Those members are fully qualified Secret Agents. Fooling them, fighting them or doing anything against them is NOT easy. You all will have to be extra careful.'

'Sir, who exactly are they?' Asked Owen. Everybody nodded in agreement: who were these deplorable ones? Alexandra felt a permanent frown settling on her face - this was sinister. And really, doing anything against Secret Agents, was not easy. She was surprised Master George was sending third years to them. It would be better if they sent fragments of the army.

'About ten members.' He clarified. 'We'll be sending some real-time spies and you all to them. But, the fully qualified ones, only after you have brought back sufficient proof. No chit-picking here. This is very serious business. I'll appoint you all to one-one member. All you have to do is get me their correspondence. Yes, all their letters should naturally pass through the council before reaching them, but we think they are concealing some letters. "Some" letters, that are from people whom they shouldn't contact. "Some" letters that they haven't shown to the council. Search for these letters. Get them to us. We'll have to screen out the disloyal members as soon as possible!'

If that was not bad enough, Master George told Alexandra to go to Kane.

Kane? KANE? That self-assumed spokesperson with reserved blue eyes, terrifying intelligence and a composed spirit? Who had assured her that being Dovish made no difference? The very same?

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