A Heroic Fall

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They locked Dylan in one of the rooms, Fannel turned the key, 'That's one room less,'

'But one information more. And this group- this group seems a big one. I think we should check the tower out,'

'Yes... Kane's gone to check the Crossroads, but mostly- there'll be nothing there. He'll be back soon. Let's go,'


'Of course. Come,' He said, grabbing her arm and half-pulling Alexandra with him.

'Yes yes, don't pull me- Fannel!'

* * *

'These steps... they will be difficult to descend, in speed. If we are being followed...' Said Fannel, frowning at the hundreds of steps that sprawled in front of them. They had to ascend them, and after walking for four more kilometers, they'd get the tower's back end exposed.

'How many would be there?' Alexandra asked, looking at the stone steps,

'Five hundred? Five hundred fifty? Not more than that...' Said Fannel.

'Let's go! We'll see whatever happens!' Said Alexandra. Fannel looked at her for a second, then he smiled,

'Recklessness, yes. You do have a lot of it. Unfortunately, I agree with you- let's see. Whatever it is,'

'That's a good brother there!'

The steps weren't so good, however. Alexandra almost fell right back down- she was so tired. There WERE five hundred steps at the very least. And now, she began seeing some wisdom in her brother's words... if they were being pursued- running down those steps would NOT be easy at all.

'Come on,'

'Wait!' Alexandra panted, 'I'm dying here!'

'Do you mind telling me when you are not dying? You were dying when Master George introduced weaponless combat. You were dying when you got trapped in that Mouse Trap- you were again dying when Kane tested you- and once again when you were sentenced- or rather, sent to Akwanda. Then again you were dying in Watson's shor-'

'Fine, let's go, I got over my death.' Said Alexandra, getting up. Fannel rolled his eyes, but they walked on.

The sun had set... or at least it appeared so, in the cloudy day- the sky was a sleepy shade of dark blue and things were hardly visible. They had followed Dylan's direction, after the steps, it included passing through a narrow street with rows of huts on each side, the street stank of sewage and ... after the downpour, of wet earth (which was a good scent unless the earth itself was not fragrant). Then they had to crawl among bushes - emerging from which, they could see the tower well now - just ahead of them. Dylan hadn't lied.

The light from the ground floor window of the tower was quite visible. Fannel grabbed her arm again, put a finger to his lips, motioning her to keep quiet.

They tiptoed across the length of moist grass, the wetness not allowing the usual crunching of feet on grass to be heard. Fannel knelt down silently, by the tower's ground floor, where - some conversation was going on. Alexandra followed.

'This seems intentional!' Alexandra said, right into her brother's ear. He looked at her- then back at the tower. Then he nodded,

'Could be - but couldn't be as well,'

Alexandra bit her lips and nodded. She had a bad feeling this was a planned trap... Dylan, the directions, everything- it was one big, huge planned game of the Losianish.

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