Mary and Mark

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The three dripping Agents were VERY glad to have a view of the house again. Alexandra would have hugged the place - if it hadn't been so huge, naturally.

She knocked on the door. No reply.

Alexandra put her ear to it, there were no sounds inside. Then she almost fell inwards as the door opened all of a sudden.

'You people don't look too good,' Kane noticed, steadying the unbalanced Alexandra.

'Are we supposed to look like Princesses when we've fought thirty terrorists and ran the same number of miles?' Daniel asked, 'Now budge, Kane, or Mabel's going to die - from starvation - that is.'

'Oh, yes - come in...' Said Kane, holding the door wide open, and one good part about having Kane open doors was that he didn't bombard people with questions. 'There is something you should see though, Mabel.'

'What?' She asked. 'Wait, there's someone else here - a girl!' Alexandra said, jumping a foot high. She had heard a high pitched voice from one of the rooms.

'Not only that,' Kane continued, his face looking like he couldn't decide whether to grimace, or to laugh. 'Your brother - is charmed.'

'Dove's droppings...' Alexandra said, rooted to the spot as Daniel pretended to collapse on the floor. 'You're - sure?'

'Positive.' Said Kane, 'Get up Smith, that was not funny.' He added, roughly pulling the agent up by his collar. 

'Is that supposed to mean - somebody made Fannel fall for them?' Watson said, turning his head around like he had gone blind. 'Where's that goddess?! Show me to that Goddess! I want to worship her!'

'Shut up, Elf! But - yes... somebody made Fannel fall for them... I mean, I need to see this!'

'Yes, you going can be considered safe. Not so for the rest of us,' Kane nodded, now grinning, 'Which means, Watson can't see his Goddess.'

Alexandra's hunger was all gone. She HAD to see this goddess. She turned around the corner and entered the room, her heart beating three times faster. Watson snorted from behind and she turned back to him with a "shut up" gesture.

'...No, Mark!' A lady's voice said from within, straight to Mark? Alexandra herself didn't call him Mark. 'Ouch - I do know my own way back home!'

'Like you can walk,' Fannel replied, 'Just sit there.'

Alexandra could see them now, on the rocking chair, sat a woman whose wavy, copper coloured hair and thin neck was visible, she wore a burgundy dress, but she was holding it a bit up, exposing her ankle - Fannel knelt down in front of her - near him was an open first-aid box and he was bandaging the lady's left ankle.

Alexandra decided it wasn't good to stand there and live up to her profession by spying on them, 'Brother?' She said, announcing her presence.

Fannel looked up and the lady turned behind. She had a stark beauty - thick eyelashes and slightly upturned eyes. Her straight nose had light freckles on it, so did her cheeks. Dangling from both her ears were crescent moon shaped, silver earrings. And she had used a rather dark lip color - but it looked really good on her.

The sort of beautiful girl who could make others uncomfortable in their own skins. But Alexandra wasn't perturbed. She had grown to completely stop caring about appearance.

'Mabel!' Fannel said, standing up and walking to her. A small smirk, like he knew Alexandra knew of his attraction and he didn't mind making the thing public. Then, he hugged her.

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