Group Trial

267 16 3

331 B.C. - Idgard/Losiane

Coming together is beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success.

- Henry Ford

Alexandra had always been waiting for a group trial: more payment, more independence and interesting work. Hers was a little late - Watson had already gone on three group trials, Mark at least seven and Kane, countless. Others of her year had had at least a single one, in fact, she was the oldest agent to not go on a group trial. That had been just as well, she had enjoyed the perks of having no responsibility other than managing herself, but it had become boring soon. In spite of all that, little did she known that her first group trial was her last too.

Anyhow, it was all her favorite people once again. Normally, five of them were sent together. Master George handpicked them, and it was common consent that he tried his best to not let anybody remain comfortable. That was he, and he was the most unlikeable senior citizen there ever had been. And yet, since he was impartial and oppressed everybody, he often gave people the opportunity to watch their enemies getting tyrannized. The best example of it was the utmost pleasure everybody received when Darius Tint was chastised, for he was one of those seniors whose locks had turned gray without imparting any wisdom to him, and he seldom went on trials, sitting in the Council, cocking his feet on the tables and ordering everybody around. Once Alexandra had thrown her slipper at him, in dire frustration - it had been such a disrespectful act that a narration of the ordeal had reached Liam, illustrating that his patronized agent couldn't throw shoes at people twenty five years senior to her. But it had all cooled down soon enough with the pretense of repentance and apologies.

On that day, when they were supposed to leave, Master George saw fit to give them a small, last minute sermon. That was expected, since they were all five exclusive agents and the trial was to Losiane - a deplorable place by all means. But what was not expected, was the way he arrived - watching him walk, Alexandra frowned, because something seemed peculiar. Then she realized that he was using a walking-stick. He had always owned one, but despised it. And the fact that he had been drawn to use the support showed how he was not all together at the peak of his health anymore.

He ascended the steps lazily, which was most unlike him, and upon doing that, seemed to regain his earlier dislike of the walking stick. He shoved it into Daniel's hand, who had already come forth to receive the crutch. The Agent tossed it on a chair and everybody forgot all about it.

'Now,' he announced, dusting his hands as if the use of a support had dirtied them. 'Without wasting any time - I have picked you five in such a way that your form the five fingers of a hand. None are equal. But each have their own value. And, they cannot be compared with one another. You could just as well be comparing your thumb with your pointer and let me tell you that in case you are, my child, you are a distinguished fool upon this planet.'

'You're the little finger here, you realize that, Captain?' Watson told her, since it was his incurable habit to talk when others were talking. Alexandra, as impolitely as possible, asked him to shut up. And then added something else of value,

'The little finger amounts for fifty percent of the hand's strength. Just so you know, Elf.'

'You two,' Master George told them, since it was his incurable habit to spot misdemeanor quick as an arrow, 'should not get too comfortable just because you are both from the same year. Neither, should you think, Mabel - that I've put you with Alden, Fannel and Watson as a mark of favoritism.' And he nodded for a while, his eyebrows raised, as if to impress upon the fact before moving on. 'The trial lead - as usual - is the most experienced member: Daniel Smith. And Agent, don't you ever try to sketch me again.' Master George told him, scowling.

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