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I can't believe it is over.

3 months, 94 chapters and the story of The Exiled Gem is over. I think I'm mourning Alexandra now. She really lives: I feel her fiery, burning determination; her cheeky humor and her undeniable strength of character. I had thought of tons of things I would add in this part, but now that I'm writing it, I don't remember a word.

That's just as well. We'll go Alexandra style and form words as they flow. 

First of all, thank you sooo much, my superb readers! For having tolerated those scattered mistakes here and there, for having supported this story through your votes and comments, and for sticking on with Alexandra throughout all that mess. To the point that you are reading this part.

Her story is far from over.

It is continuing, in Book 2: The Lost Gem. And this one will not be through one perspective. There will be chapters from Alexandra's viewpoint, from Ophelia's viewpoint, from Natalia's viewpoint who's definitely a new character. And... hehe, from Liam's viewpoint. That story needs a little bit more of planning and I've not even begun writing, as of 28 August 2021. 

So now you know, clever people, that it will take some time. How much... well, I hope not ten years.

I am not kidding. I really hope, not ten years. At least a week or two, at most, a month. But if I don't update, please feel free to summon Liam and have me finished. The updates will certainly not be everyday two chapters: now that was a frightening pace! It should be more balanced. One chapter a week, two chapters a week. Not more: we should all have time off the screen. 

That's all for now. As I said, I had a whole essay in mind to write. But I don't remember a single word now. I sincerely hope all of you keep smiling and keep learning. Thank you so much once again, for choosing this book. 

Keep Hustling!

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