Infirmary Visits

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When Alexandra opened her eyes, she had to stay still, frown and blink and try to remember what had happened exactly. When her memory was revived, she instantly recognized her surroundings to be a part of the Idgardian Palace. The easy security she felt, to be back in home territory after four unbearable months in Akwanda, made her lips curl up into a grateful smile. Around her was a room different to anything else she had seen before. A dark, high ceiling that almost reflected her, modest pastel walls and silk draperies. But the silent, soothing and spotless environment identified the chamber for an infirmary. It was twice the size of the the one at the Council. Perhaps thrice or four times, if the curtained off portions was also a part of it.

As far as her eyes travelled, there were herbs. The amount of mint was double the quantity of all the rest combined. Mandrakes tumbled freely from containers, Olives - hopefully they weren't snacks - were arranged mutely in a corner. Half-made balms in mortars and pestles were stacked on every corner. Her own chest felt cool, the skin slightly irritated - as though a generous dosage of some minty ointment had been spread upon it. The thick smell of bitter pastes hung in the air, and they didn't smell bad, but it was not uplifting either. Her hands were stiff, and moving them around, she felt her bed. Smooth cotton, light and soft as feather, spanned out. Her waistband was still intact - Moira was untied, it lay on the side-table. 

And now? She thought, what?

'Miss Mabel,' spoke a Nurse, in a low drone, as if on cue. She had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and was now bending over Alexandra. Her lips were thin as a single, pink line, and she had even thinner, stringy black hair pulled back into a neat bun. Her eyes were smaller than Aunt Sabel's, but they were very much kinder - and she smelt of slightly-pleasant-than-the-rest herbs.

'Uh?' Alexandra replied, at once terrified at how much her ribs ached upon that small word. She exhaled - and that hurt as well. Ribs, were apparently used more than she had known.

'Don't push yourself, Miss Mabel.' The Nurse advised. 'And speak as little as possible. Breathe slowly - but be mindful to do so more frequently than usual - avoid deep breaths. Pray don't try to get up. Broken ribs, but it is nothing very serious. You shall need two months of complete bed-rest - and then it just depends on how fast you heal. Anything you want, ring the bell. I will be here. For now,' She began, nodding.

'Now?' Alexandra prompted - then grimaced - but she was getting used to the dull ache. 

'You have visitors. One claims to be your brother, the two other, your friends. Would you like to see them?' She asked, tilting her head, as if she expected a "no".

'What are the friends' - names?' Alexandra managed, for she very well knew the brother.

'Ah, one said he said it was Watson, and ... Alden.'

Alexandra cracked a smile. Thankfully, smiling didn't hurt. 'I'd love to see them,' she said. And she meant it. 


'You're promoted, Agent Mabel.' Was the first thing Kane Alden had to say. And it was a thing that made her grin the widest in so long. And she felt ecstatic seeing the familiar faces around her, after the looming danger, the sword upon her neck hanging loosely all the time in Akwanda had lifted. And that was why she was grateful in the first place - to be back among her tribe, in her land.

'Promoted - which means you can now order me to shut up,' supplied Watson, making her laugh. Alexandra put a hand to her ribs as she did. Laughing hurt - and that would be a pity if she saw Liam anytime now. After the previous night, their total number of meetings went up to three: and still, if anybody asked her who her closest friend was - she would take his name. Alexandra couldn't pinpoint why - and she knew she would never be able to do so. But the circumstances under which they had met, the uncomplicated acceptance and simple attentiveness - all that bound to have made him special. 

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