Captain Exclusive

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It was a month of that day. A whole month and a lot of big things had happened.

No one had failed.


The Elf and Exiled Princess had become Exclusives.

Very good.

Fourth year was about living as a spy. 

Master George had begun rather seriously on the first day. 'What I will now say, is mainly for the men here. Spies, naturally are mysterious. And women, are drawn to mysterious men. It's a fact. As for the young lady among us,' He had then looked right as Alexandra. 'She has been blessed with striking beauty and charm.' She had lifted her brows and curtsied - not having been able to believe Master George was telling she had "beauty" and "charm".

'It's true.' He had maintained, watching Alexandra bow. 'Add that to mystery and courage, it forms a dangerously desirable personality. Unfortunately, it can make your work as spies, much more difficult.

'And not only that, all of you here have relations outside the four walls of our Council. Questions and interactions are inevitable. You all know everything you need to be a spy, and this year, you shall practice those skills, along with learning how exactly a spy, is supposed to live.

'Your tongue, however, my students, is the most difficult organ to control. I'll give you something to do. From now on: you all shall switch to pure vegetarian - no spice, no meat, no bread. Yes, no bread either. You get it?' He had asked, hands on hip. It was a rare gesture from their teacher to have his hands on his hips because in order to appear serious or intimidating, he very well knew, that he didn't have to adopt any posture. They had all frowned at him - expecting him to shake his head once and say - "oh wait, I think that was for the fifth years," or something close to it, at least. But when he hadn't, Paul had gathered up enough courage to bite.

'Yes, sir ... but why?' He had asked, as everybody else had finally exchanged looks of, this old man has lost his marbles.

'I'll reveal that soon.' He waved off, shaking his head. For now, you must do as I tell you to. One month hence, I will enlighten you fourth years with the reasons behind this. But if I get a word of a single toe being put beyond the line...'

'We'll be hanging upside-down with our faces buried in the smoke from burning red chilies,' Watson had suggested, reclining. He hadn't seemed to possess any problem with the vegetarian scheme. Alexandra, meanwhile, had had a lot. Nobody consumed much of meat anyhow, but she loved food - and there had to some taste! No salted fish? No hard bread dipped in smooth, raspberry syrup? No sweet, white porridge? No spicy, pickled olives? No honey-cakes? 

That was like grazing grass. How were they supposed to have only raw, bitter vegetables - mostly legumes - for a whole month? Her taste buds would all commit mass suicide, halfway through.

'Yes, that will be a worthy punishment.' Master George had meanwhile agreed. Scared of the harsh penalty, she had made a mental note to give the scheme a sincere try. The teacher had then given them a lot of tips and words of advice - ones which stoutly bounced of her worried head. Class had been dismissed. They then had had to go and help the second years learn combat.


'Watson, Mabel. Stay back.' Master George had ordered, at the end of the class. They both had looked at each other. As for the rest looking at them. Then slowly, everybody else had filed out. The Master had waited patiently for them to do so.

'Yes, Sir?' They had then queried, together, approaching the long-bearded teacher.

'You both must know what Exclusive Agents are.' He had said - more like a statement than a question. And they had nodded - because they did. 'That is good. Because you two, have the choice to be one.'

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