The Spider and The Fly

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They were back at the term-party. 

Watson, after a lot of assurance that it wouldn't be fatal, had agreed to face Mark and apologize. And even though it had been Alexandra who had given the guarantee, she herself wasn't sure if Watson was altogether safe. Fannel could do wicked things with a dagger. Lethal, unfathomable and irreparable things.

They decided to undertake the mission only after at least half the members had left. That was Kane's idea: he always gave good ones. And he had also shouldered the commentary on the event. An event, during which a lot of thrill could be expected. As they watched a few more fifth-years wave to Kane and leave, Alexandra nudged Watson.

'Go!' She told him, in a hiss. Hans nodded, unblinking, as if he still couldn't believe that Watson was going to do something as deadly.

'Give me your condolences - er - your encouragements.' Watson replied, stiffly getting up and taking a step towards Mark Fannel, who seemed to be surrounded by a glowing aura of hostility. Alexandra gave him a push.

'Go!' She repeated, frowning. 'He won't eat you.'

'He can,' Paul informed, tilting his head to the side unapologetically. 'No wo-' but he stopped upon receiving a kick on the shin by Alexandra. Meanwhile, Watson trudged over to Fannel. For a minute, he hesitated, opening his mouth and closing it for at least a dozen times. Then Kane threw an Olive at him, hissing, hurry. Alexandra nodded in approval, an Olive on the head a day, kept all hesitation away.

'I'm - uh - sorry,' Watson managed, blurting the words hurriedly. He might have gone red but Alexandra couldn't confirm it in the partial darkness of the party hall.

'What?' Asked Fannel, looking up from the letter he'd been reading. The perfect, nail-biting moment. Mark frowned, Watson gulped and shot them a terrified look.

'Looks like Fannel's going to pretend he doesn't know anything...' Kane ventured in the background, starting his description of the events. 'Things are getting complex, fellow Agents.'

'I'm so-ory,' Watson repeated, not looking into anybody's eyes, staring down and shuffling.

'There, that was the second try by Watson - let's see if it bears any fruit.' Kane continued. Fannel looked exasperatedly in his direction. Kane greeted him with a warm grin and mouthed, go on, do your work, let me do mine. Fannel shook his head and then,

'For what?' He asked Watson.

'Did you hear that, Agents? Mark wants to get this thing dirtier!' 

'I want to get it straighter, Kane.' Fannel clarified, interlocking fingers together and staring at Watson, whose ears had now gone visibly red, despite the dark.

'Whatever that maybe - straighter or dirtier - this will be a good time for Watson to back off.' Kane maintained, sitting down on one of the tables and gazing interestedly at the duo. Alexandra pushed herself up, beside him, and put a hand to her chin. It felt like a continuation of the reporting of the dueling tournament they had done, earlier in the day.

'For - for what I said that day.' Watson continued, now visibly redder than a cherry - in the whole face.

'Watson's avoiding the question,' Kane hissed.

'What did you say?' Asked Fannel, ignoring the commentator.

'Fannel won't let him avoid it! This is getting interesting, men!'

'And women!' Alexandra scowled at him.

'Oh fine. Mean men and wicked woman.' Kane ceded. Alexandra gave an unimpressed stare, which was duly returned.

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