Janus-Faced Fannel

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'Just a small addi-' a third voice in the room began, then it stopped abruptly, like the person had just noticed them.

Alexandra jumped, all her senses rocking to "Offensive" in a fraction of second. Her eyes travelled to Liam's face, color had rose to his cheeks and he looked completely nettled.

'Now what is it?!' He barked, at who Alexandra recognized as the prime minister. He was frozen - with his eyes on Alexandra, and a hand to his mouth, the other hand beneath the first one's elbow.

'Er- no, no. By all means, please continue.' The minister stammered, taking a step back.

'No,' Alexandra began - this was the time to do it, 'I - I should leave. I've got to pay my aunt a visit.' She hinted.

Liam gazed at her silently, Alexandra knew there was some out-of-the-box thinking going on in his mind. Something like, maybe I should throw her into the Prisons - that way, she can't leave. Though she appreciated that idea, Alexandra wouldn't have appreciated being stopped.

Fortunately, Liam didn't do it, 'May I have an invitation too?' He queried, simply and rather calmly.

'Well - surely if my aunt is asking for it. And I'm going to be back soon.'

'Soon won't do it - very soon. And somebody never stops thinking of you,' Liam replied, as his way of "goodbye" perhaps. Alexandra gave the still-frozen prime minister, a stupid-innocent look. Only staring at him made Alexandra's hand itch for Moira - first you ask for stupid proof and ruin the meeting - I can thank you for that, but then - you come back and ruin my farewell as well. Here, have this! And this! And this, too! But controlling, was by far easier and less messier, so Alexandra did that. But when she turned to the door, to leave, the most unexpected of this happened. The Prime Minister turned to her, his face understanding that he was in presence of the future queen. And he gave her, a full bow.

'My humblest apologies, for ever doubting Your Highness' commitment,' he said, in a voice almost as humble as the one he used with Liam. Alexandra turned to Liam, disbelieving. And he smiled, as though encouraging her to get used to accepting bows, for many would come her way now. 

* * *

Fannel was right at the entrance.

'You look a bit strange,' he noted, as soon as Alexandra had stepped off the moat-bridge and it was pulled upwards, 'Wait!' He then cried out, making her jump a feet up-

'What's on your hand?!' He asked, narrowing his eyes in a suspicious stare like an interrogator - Alexandra frowned. Her hand? She shook her head slightly for a second, confused - before raising her left hand to check.

'Not that! The right hand - gracious, Mabel - you - did you go to the Triumph Meeting, or to a private garden stroll?!' He demanded, as Alexandra finally spotted what he was talking about.

An elegant, golden ring - its shank snaking into an ornate "S" dotted with minuscule diamonds, and a spherical Emerald as the gemstone.

'Pretty...' she remarked - then coming to her senses, 'wait- when did he do it? How?!'

'Who?!' Fannel asked, having his own questions, 'you wait-' he then added, his face brightening up all of a sudden, 'you are not telling me - that this...'

'Oh yes, you suspect right.' Alexandra smirked, dropping the hand down. Then she recounted to him - more or less - the whole thing-

Even before she was done, Mark whistled, 'ALL YOU AGENTS! MAKE WAY!' He hollered, turning away. They looked up, quizzical looks and expectant faces, 'BOW LOW AND PERFORM YOUR CURTSIES! HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, MABEL! THE QUEEN-TO-BE, ARRIVES!' And the buzz that broke out then, the winding group of friendly men rushing at her - made Alexandra want to cover her face and melt into the ground. But she first would rather pull out Moira and deal with Fannel.

The Exiled GemOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz