Relentless Improvement

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Feasts and Banquets.

Just what Alexandra hated. As a princess, she had been able to act stupid and blunt. Now, that was impossible. Dignified Queenly behavior demanded the obliteration of awkwardness. And no, Alexandra wasn't awkward at all, she was just a bit clumsy.

Now, it more than half a year, and perhaps she'd done a hundred more mistakes. Received at least a hundred more unhurried explanations and enlightening from Liam. But currently, it was going much better. 

For one thing, Alexandra had been a Princess. She had had her own taste of "The Royal Life", all she had to do, was bring back more of those memories. And she had discovered, to her benefit, that saying "no" was surprisingly easy once begun. Some things needed to be declined. She walked out of the Palace Gates and to the Council at her own whim, usually by three in the morning - not even giving Lady Debrille a chance to portray her skills.

Alexandra was pretty sure she was going to put an end to the "Weddings are a Family Matter" law. End the dictation that women above nineteen years could be married off, wish or no-wish. Her only fear was that people would rebel. Perhaps, if she only had some good news to give them- so that it could cushion the blow...

Certain things had changed, at the Council too. Watson and Diana being engaged. Fannel living in Akwanda - and only gracing them with a visit once a week. He had finally accepted Watson as a brother-in-law-to-be. That had taken a lot of hard work: Diana inventing and counting off the many qualities of Watson. Alexandra reminding him of the times Watson had - despite being a fool - saved the day. The whole Council singing his praises day and night.

But Mark Fannel hadn't budged.

Only after Liam had promised that he took responsibility of the marriage turning out a happy one, had Fannel given in a bit. Since then, as time passed and he saw the two together - he had to agree how maybe it was for the best.

All the same, Liam had warned Watson, 'Now that I've taken responsibility, I'll have to do away with you in case things do not turn out happy. No pressure though.'

Watson had nodded with a small grin, 'I get the threat under that. And believe me, I'm used to them. Still, none have felt so real and menacing.'

'And?' Liam had prompted.

'And, someday I said that you were just like every other King. Alexandra disagreed. Today, I disagree too.'

That's because he's got Cassandra's blood, I say. Mind had quipped up.

Blood is blood. Person is person. You just shut up, Mind. You are neither. Alexandra had replied, cheerfully.

In the Council, they were now focusing on the two giant kingdoms far down south-east.

Theronsia and Asmarsis.

Asmarsis had just got a new King. Vedessa had trade relations with both of them- and they were getting rather rich, amassing wealth and power. It was wise to send spies down there. But the countries were so, so far off. Down plateaus and mountain ranges... it was rather difficult to reach there. So their only information sources was the correspondence of the Vedessan merchants living in Theronsia.

They had to keep those traders happy if they wanted the correspondence to keep coming. That was what Alexandra did now. Writing long, gentle, tender, coaxing letters to those mysterious tradesmen. A few had gone ahead to settle down in those lands. They talked about how Theronsians and Asmarsians had their own language which they were trying to learn. The native people were rather good - because they tried their best to be hospitable and kind despite not being able to communicate.

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