A Vow of Maidenhood

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Pain shapes a woman into a warrior
- Anonymous

'That is left for you to decide, Miss Betty - it is about ... your fiancé,'

Betty's face darkened, her eyes grew rounder. 'What's it?' She asked, her mouth still open.

'We should sit down - you should sit down, Betty.' Alexandra offered. She knew Kane was not one to hurry things, but here, he didn't much patient. And looked like he wanted to tell the thing to her face.

'No, first tell me - what is it,' she replied. 'Is he fine? He's not- he's not-'

'No.' Said Kane, 'It's rather worse,'

'Kane!' Alexandra rebuked, 'Not that way, Betty,'

'Right,' Kane agreed hurriedly. 'Not that way. But it is worse. Because, William Atkinson is also engaged to Jessica Quotes.'

There, he had said it blatantly. As though conversing of the day's weather.

Sarah covered her mouth, her eyes wide. She looked at Kane, then at Alexandra and then at Betty. Alexandra lowered her gaze. Kane simply looked at Betty. For a minute, Betty stared back at Kane, her head tilted a bit and her mouth opened.

Then, without a word, she collapsed.

'Betty!' Sarah cried, rushing forward and gathering the pale girl in her arms. 'My - my - goodness.' She knelt down, holding her.

Alexandra looked accusingly at Kane, but he looked quite fine with the reaction. Like it was only an experiment and the result had come out in affirmation with what he had expected it to be. She shook her head at him, picked up the nearest jug of water and sprinkled a few drops of it on Betty's face. Betty shook violently and her eyes flew open. She sat up straight on the ground, her legs folded. 'I don't believe it!' She announced, wiping her face and looking at Alexandra, then at Kane. 'What proof have you got?! William would never do that!'

Kane turned to look at Alexandra. 'None.' He announced. 'No proof. Other than - the word of your Sister-like friend,' he added. And so emotionlessly, so ruthlessly he said the words, as if he didn't have a single grain of empathy in him - when Alexandra knew he did - it surprised her. But more than surprise, it gave her an inch of dread, because Betty was now looking at her - almost like it was her fault the Atkinson had turned out a cheat. Alexandra knelt down by her, 'Betty,' she soothed. 'It was an accident I found out. Jessica Quotes is the Idgardian Commander's daughter. The commander - he knew that Jessica and - and Atkinson were meeting up. That they were engaged. He felt it from the beginning - that William Patrick Atkinson was a two-faced scoundrel. William Atkinson - he - he,' Alexandra stopped, turning away. She couldn't bring herself to say that. Betty had got that property only months ago. How could Alexandra tell her that the sudden fortune had caused her to be cheated?

'He only wanted to marry you for your property, Miss Betty,' Kane continued, like it was another day at the commentary and he was just picking up from where Alexandra had left. 'Which he would lure you into transferring to his name. Once you did that, he had all the intention to abandon you. All this time, he would keep up with his meetings with Jessica Quotes. As soon as he had all the property, he would give to the Commander as dowry and marry his daughter. He needed the dowry because he is just a soldier, no amount of good-looks can fetch him the Commander's daughter. Ten to one, he doesn't have any feelings for Jessica Quotes either. But he will remain her honorary husband for the power and influence and money it gets him. Yes, William Atkinson - is - a - cheat. Mabel found out because - the commander requested her to.'

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