Klaus Mikaelson aka Joseph Morgan

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"I don't see why you're still with him." Damon smirked while drinking his shot. "He left you out of nowhere."

"Yea he isn't good for you Y/n." Stefan stepped in causing me to glare.

"Who the fuck do you think you are." I felt my pulse rise as I stood up. The glass in my hand shattering to the floor.

"Y/n, calm down." Caroline's voice got higher as she got scared.

"Yea calm down you're still not use to being a vampire." Elena spoke up and my head jerked her direction.

"Fuck off doppelgänger, you're only special because of your blood." I turned towards Stefan and Damon as they took a step towards me. "And I'm stronger then you guys so fucking try me."

"You're only stronger by a little bit babygirl." Damon smirked at me as he took another step towards me. "You're only upset because you know what we say is correct and you're to scared to admit it." I flew at him and pinned him against the wall.

"Shut up!" I yelled in his face.

"Do you really think he loves you? Let alone likes you?" Stefan spoke causing me to look at him. He had his arms crossed over his chest and shook his head.

"I don't care what you guys have to say! I know how he feels!" My grip on Damon's throat got tighter and he gasped.

"He doesn't care sweet heart." Enzo appeared from the kitchen. His smooth voice calmed me down. "He turned you to use you, and you know that." I let go of Damon and looked at Enzo.

"Like you do or did?" Enzo crossed his arms. "Klaus saved me, when you left me for dead. He cares more then you guys think." I glared and Bonnie stood up.

"Where did this conversation even come from?" Bonnie looked at Damon.

"I'm just tired of watching a girl I care about be dragged around like a dog." He shrugged and Elena stood up.

"Oh you care about her now?" Elena crossed her arms and I threw my arms up.

"Oh lord forbid a Salvator care about another female, let alone a female vampire."

"What's your issue?" She took a step towards me and Stefan stepped between us.

"You wanna know what my issue is little miss helpless." If looks could kill, I'd kill the little bitch.

"I think we all should sit back down and have a drink." Enzo picked up the bourbon and a glass.

"Please tell me. Actually I think I already know, you're sad because you weren't wanted as a human and you're not wanted now." In a flash I had her skinny little throat in my hands and was squeezing. Fear overtook her face as I felt the blood lust start surfacing.

"My problem is that we always have to save your sorry ass, my problem is you can't keep your mouth shut when it's good for you, my problem is you think you're so perfect when YOU'RE THE ONE THATS NOT FUCKING WANTED YOUR BLOOD IS THE ONLY THING THATS WANTED!" I screamed in her face as my hands cut off her air.

"Let go Y/N!" Everyone screamed as my fangs popped out.

"Aww common guys let her have a sip." His voice made me freeze as Damon, Enzo, and Stefan got Elena out of my grasp and away from me.

"Klaus..." I turned and looked at him. He smirked at me and opened his arms.

"Don't just stand there love, where's my hug?" I ran into his arms as he wrapped around me like a blanket. He was so much bigger then me that he made me feel like the smallest thing in the world. He placed his index finger under my chin and forced my head up. He pecked my nose and I smiled. "Now you guys really like talking shit don't y'all?" Klaus let go of me and I turned towards the group. Caroline crossed her arms and had a dirty look on her face. She might be my friend but I know how she feels about Klaus.

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