Ryland Storms

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I laid on the Hype House couch as everyone recorded their videos, tiktoks, and took pictures. I'm not apart of the Hype House, but I've been friends with Kouvr and Mia for a while, I fit in but at the same time I don't. They're all influencers and I'm just a girl actually working for money. I work night shifts during the weekends and day shifts during the week, 12 hours each shift. It's hard but good money. The front door flew open and Ryland followed. He looked pissed off, he ran his hand roughly through his hair and glanced around the room. Everyone was staring at him, obviously because of his entrance. We made eye contact and I saw the anger burning bright in his eyes, but what made me make my next move was the hurt and betrayal that was behind the anger. He looked away and stormed up the stairs and into his room, he slammed the door shut. I sat up and made my way towards the stairs, I shut the front door and walked upstairs. I looked down at everyone and they all gave me a thumbs up making me roll my eyes. I walked to Ryland's door and knocked lightly. There was no answer so I pressed my ear against the cool wood. There was a smash and things being thrown. I cleared my throat.

"Ryland?" My voice came out smaller then I wanted. There was a pause on the other side of the door and then the noise started up again. Stubborn ass. I knocked again and a muffled 'go away' came from inside. I clicked my tongue and shook my head. If you know Kouvr and Mia, you know I've been friends with Ryland and the other guys for a while as well. I turned the handle and slightly pushed the door. It swung all the way open and I leaned casually against the doorframe, crossing my arms. His room was trashed more then usual. He looked up and glared at me.

"I told you to go away." He started throwing stuff into a bag again, stuff out of his girlfriend's drawer. I looked around his room and saw the pictures of them were taken down along with the pictures of us. I saw theirs ripped apart and ours nowhere in sight. I pushed off the wall and walked into the room. I closed his door and leaned against it. "You're not going to leave are you." I raised my eyebrows and he sighed, sitting down on his bed.

"Come on mate, tell me what's got you down." He smiled a small smile at my Australian Accent.

"It's nothing love," he replied in a british accent making my giggle. Can't be that serious if he's cracking jokes.

"Seriously though Ry, you've taken down all of your pictures with just you and a girl." I gestured to his wall with pictures. He has group pictures that didnt have Emily in them but the others were gone. "Including ours?" I questioned crossing my arms. His smile vanished and he covered his face with his hands.

"I don't want to talk about it." I looked at the floor and saw our pictures, I picked them up and he uncovered his face.

"Fine then," I threw the pictures at him. "I don't know what I did to make you do that, but whatever it is I'm sorry." I turned to walk out but he grabbed my wrist. I turned and he pulled me to his bed, I sat next to him and crossed my arms.

"Emily broke up with me and when I asked her why she said she felt like me and you had something going on. I told her me and you had nothing going on but she refused to believe me. She said, and I quote, 'you guys have this spark between you. Everyone sees it so dont deny it.' I tried arguing with her about not leaving me but she tossed a box of my stuff to me and told me to bring her, her stuff." He shrugged and rubbed his face, I looked down "But you know the funny part with all this?" I looked at him as he looked at me, he had a smirk on his face.

"And what's that?" He turned towards me putting his leg up and leaning forward. I copied him but placed my elbow on my knee and my chin in my hand.

"I'm upset about the fact that she broke up with me because of not trusting me." I furrowed my eyebrows, he pushed my hair behind my ear and leaned closer. "But I'll get over it because I started to catch feelings for another girl." He looked at my lips and then back at my eyes. As much as I would love to kiss him, hes an ass.

"Oh yea, and who's that?" I leaned a little closer and he hummed almost kissing me, I jumped up and placed my hands on his legs. "Is it Mia? You guys would be so cute!" His mouth dropped open as I stared into his eyes, my smile turned into an evil smirk and he glared playfully at me, realizing what I was doing. He shook his blonde curls and smirked at me.

"Mia is pretty cute." Even tho I know he's just playing along it hurt hearing him call another girl cute, it always has. I've always had feelings for Ryland, ever since I first met him. I just never thought I had a chance. "But not my type." I smiled as he looked at me the weird way he does whenever I do something stupid. He pushed my hair behind my ears again and grabbed my face.

"Emily was right, there's a spark between us." He pulled me in before I could respond to what he said and kissed me. I kissed him back immediately, he grabbed my waist and pulled me so I was straddling his lap. I pulled away and looked up feeling overwhelmed by the kiss. When I looked back at him, he was looking at me with a smile. "I've always liked you Y/n. I just never thought I had a chance." I giggled at that.

"Would you believe me if I said the same thing?" He pulled me closer so that our noses were touching.

"You always have stood a chance." He kissed my nose and I ran my hands through his hair.

"As have you Ry." I pecked his lips and be hummed.

"You make me feel like a girl." He pouted and I laughed at that. "I'm being serious, Emily never made me feel the way you make me." I blushed at that and he smiled. "Be my girlfriend?" I pulled away and gave him a confused look.

"You literally just got broken up with, and still have her stuff." He huffed, I started to get off his lap but he hugged me keeping me in place.

"No, don't leave." I sighed, trying to sound irritated, but honestly I love this.

"You need to clean your room," I pulled his face up to look at me.

"Clean it with me, then cuddle me, and then take a nap." He poked his bottom lip out in a cute pout and I smiled.

"Okay." He smiled, showing his teeth.

"One more thing?" I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"And?" He bit my bottom lip and I gasped, he let go and puckered his lips.

"Be. My. Girlfriend." I pretended to be deep in thought and he pouted. Okay but like why is he so cute?

"I guess." I huffed and rolled my eyes. He turned and was on top of me.

"That's not a good enough answer." He glared playfully and I smirked. He started tickling me and I laughed.

"Okay, okay!" I took a deep breath as he attacked my sides. "Alright! Yes I'll be your girlfriend!" I yelled and he stopped.

"Yay!" He let go of me and started cleaning his room. I love that boy.
Okay but like why IS he so cute? I absolutely adore him along with Jaden Hossler🥺😍. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed.

Xoxo Author

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