Calum Hood

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Let's just take a minute and look at how happy Calum looks. You can tell he truly loves his job... Alright getting back on track.

I walked into my apartment to see my four best friends smiling at me. Well three were smiling Calum looked nervous.

"What's up guys?" I set my stuff on my counter in my little kitchen and grabbed a cup of water. I went back into the hall and looked at them. Luke nudged Calum as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Umm Y/n can I talk to you in your room?" I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion put nodded and followed him to my room.

"What's up Cal pal?" I sat on my bed as he paced the floor. He was starting to scare me so I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. "Calum?"

"I don't know how to say this..." My heartbeat picked up and I took a deep breath.

"Are you getting married?" I couldn't stop the sadness that seeped into my words. I've had a crush on him since the day I met him and it hurts thinking he was going to marry someone else. Is it weird that I dreamed about having a wedding with him? Yes? No? Well I'm weird anyway so it wouldn't-

"Gosh no Y/n," I sighed in relief and relaxed. "Why would you think that?"

"You said you didn't know how to say it and the boys were excited so I was only assuming..." I shrugged and he sat next to me. He grabbed both of my hands and placed them in his lap. He looked down at our combined hands and played with them. He mumbled something but I didn't catch it. "What?"

"I'm trying to figure out how to say this without getting rejected." I tilted my head to the side and looked at him confused. "You looked like a dog stop being cute." He covered his mouth and I couldn't help but smile at what he said. He called me cute! Calum Thomas Hood called me cute!

"Just spill Hood," he bit his lip and grabbed my hands again.

"Well let's start with ever since the day I first met you in highschool I thought 'dang she is something' then I got to know you and realized you were even better then just your looks."

"Geez thanks Calum," I laughed and he chuckled a little.

"I've known you for seven years and have always been worried about asking you this..." I held my breath scared for what he was about to say. Actually I was scared and excited, I was scared incase I got hurt but I was excited incase he has the same feelings for me. "The boys have pushed me for the past six years to ask you and well I've given my self trouble for not asking..."

"Just ask already!" Mikey's voice yelled from the other side of the door making me giggle and Calum chuckle nervously.

"Will you be my girlfriend Y/n?" Saying the smile that broke out on my face was huge would be an understatement. My face was most likely to split in half and my cheeks hurt so bad. I jumped and hugged him taking him off guard for about five seconds before he was hugging me back.

"Yes I will be your girlfriend Calum!" Ashton, Mikey, and Luke slammed through the door jumping on us as they whooped, hooted, and yelled. We were crushed into a bear group hug.

"FINALLY!" They all three screamed as me and Calum laughed. I love my boys but I love being Calum's girl even more.

Hope you guys enjoyed!!

Xoxo Author

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