Damon Salvator aka Ian Somerhalder

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I was sitting at my desk, doing homework when I heard my window squeak. I looked at it and it was open.

"Hello Damon." I smirked as I turned back to my homework.

"Damn your squeaky window!" He yelled flopping onto my bed.

"Would you be quiet! My dad is home!" I whisper-yelled at him, giving him my full attention. He'd bug me until he had it and I don't want to deal with the nagging.

"I'd be gone before he even stood up." He gave me his little smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"I can't deal with you right now." I turned back around trying to focus on my studies.

"You can deal with me all day any day baby, you signed up for this bitch." He popped his mouth on bitch and I rolled my eyes again. I tend to do that with this vampire.

"Go suck on some sorority girl." I placed my head in my hand and continued writing.

"Can I suck on you?" I dropped my pencil and turned to Damon with wide eyes.

"What did you just say?" He smirked and picked up my teddy bear.

"I said can I suck on you?" He started making the bear dance.

"Shut the fuck up? Can you do that?" I smiled and he gave me an offended look.

"That was ru-" I hoped over the bench at the end of my bed and landed on top of Damon covering his mouth.

"Are you trying to get me killed?" I whispered and I felt him smirk. He grabbed my hips and wiggled his eyebrows. "Stop Damon seriously." I whined as I heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Y/f/n, do you have a boy in your room?" My dad's voice boomed through the house. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"No dad!" I went to get off Damon and he held my hips tighter. "Stop it." I whispered slapping his hands. My door handle started moving and in the blink of an eye I was in my chair facing my homework, and Damon was out of sight. The door opened and my dad appeared. I turned towards him and raised my eyebrows.

"I swear I heard a male voice." Dad looked around my room and I put my pencil down.

"I've been trying to study for this exam, why would I have a boy in my room?" I questioned and dad looked at me.

"I heard a boys voice." His voice was matter a fact. Oh how I want to correct him and say it wasn't a boy but a devilish handsome vampire.

"It was probably a neighbor dad, I really need to study." I turned back towards my books and dad sighed.

"I'm sorry, can I be honest for a second?" I turned towards him and gave him a confused look.

"Always dad?"

"I wish you'd stop studying and have a boy sneak into your room, or even sneak out, and party. I know it's not normal for a parent to wish their kid disobeyed but ever since your mother passed you've been extra quiet and timid." He sat on my bed and gave me a sad look. I returned the look and sighed.

"I'm sorry dad, really. If you want me to sneak out then alright." I stood up and walked to my window, I started climbing out and dad let out a small chuckle.

"You really know how to make a sad situation into a joke." As my leg hung out my window I looked at dad.

"It's how I cope." I gave him a sad smile and he returned it.

"Speaking of coping." I pulled myself back into my room and sat down. "I'd like to meet this Damon character that's been in your life recently."

"Excuse me?" I'm normally a good liar but the shock was clear as day on my face.

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