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"I'm coming to pick you up get ready," my boyfriend's voice demanded as soon as I answered the phone.

"Excuse me, who said I was leaving?" I decided to be stubborn since he wanted to demand me around.

"Me, I just did." I could hear the smirk playing on his stupid face.

"No thanks, I wanna stay home today." I'm a brat, but he knows I love his surprise dates like this.

"Stop being a stubborn brat and get ready I'll be there in ten." I muffled my giggle and pulled the phone away from me. After my giggle fit I put my phone back against my ear.

"Fine," I sighed and heard him chuckle.

"You miss me," I snorted at that.

"You wish," he chuckled again and I realized I did in fact miss him. I haven't seen him in four days.

"You're right, because dream you was getting really–" I interrupted him before he could finish.

"See you in a little bit." I hung up and realized I didn't know how to dress. Let's see it's three in the afternoon, not going on a fancy date, so I should dress casual. I put on a pair of light wash ripped jeans, one of my boyfriend's hoodies he gave me, and my vans. I left my hair down and natural, and by the time I got my bag purse with everything I needed he had knocked on the door. "BYE MOM AND DAD I'M GOING OUT WITH Y/BF/N!!! (make up a name if yous a single pringle like me)" I opened the door and crossed my arms being the stubborn girlfriend I am.

"Baby please don't be like this," he pouted all cutely and I gave in easily. What I haven't seen him in forever! I jumped into his arms and kissed him. "Now tell me how much you actually missed me." I rolled my eyes and let go.

"How much have you missed me?" I asked as we made our way to his car.

"As much as I love you," He replied as he opened my door for me to get in. He walked around and got in and I turned to him.

"So not very much," he gave me a dirty look.

"Every second of my day consists of thoughts about you. I think about how I'm the luckiest guy ever to have you as my girlfriend. I think about how I'm never going to be enough for you and how you can get someone better then me. You're drop dead gorgeous while I'm nothing close. Also when you aren't being a stubborn brat, you have such a beautiful personality. You help people in need, you care about others, and most importantly you care so much about your friends and family." If our faces could turn into emojis, my face would be the heart eye emoji. He's never acted like this before, four days without me really must've done something.

"Awe baby–"

"I'm not finished. I love you Y/n, I love you so much and I'm terrified. I'm terrified I'm going to slip up and lose you. You're going to leave me for someone who can give you everything you want and need. Someone who you'll love more then me and–" I interrupted him by kissing him. I never ever thought he felt this way. I knew he loved me but this I would have never thought. I pulled away and cupped his face.

"Baby I know you love me and you have nothing to be scared about. I'm in love with you and you're stuck with me whether you like it or not. I'm never going to leave you for someone else. You're everything I want and need. You give me your time, attention, and love. We fight but that's what couples do. No matter how bad we fight I won't leave. The only way I'm leaving is if you cheat on me or lie about something that shouldn't be lied about." I pecked his lips and he smiled softly.

"I'm crazy about you Y/n," He kissed my forehead. "In so many different ways." He connected our lips.
Wanted to try something new so here we go.

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