JJ Maybanks aka Rudy Pankow

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"Would you like a drink Pogue?" Kelce asked handing me a can of natty.

"From you? No thanks kook." I gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Come on don't be like that," he put his arm around me and I shrugged it off. "What are you some prude?"

"No actually I'm not, you should know you labeled me a whore. Plus I wouldn't hook up with you even if I was offered a billion dollars." I snagged a beer off of one of my acquaintances and drank it. "Go find some kook to lay, piece of shit." I turned away from him and he grabbed my shoulder.

"Watch it." He turned me to face him and I spit my drink in his face. "You bitch," he reached up to slap me but I grabbed his wrist.

"No asshole, you watch it." I shoved him away and threw my drink on him. Everyone around us whistled and commented. "Touch me again and I'll make sure to embarrass you in front of everyone."

"You know something! You and JJ belong together, both of you aren't anything but broke juvenile delinquents. Following after your parents." My jaw clenched and I made a fist.

"Say something about my parents again." I gritted out, Kiara was by my side grabbing my arm.

"Come on sis." She tugged me away. "We are here to have fun, don't get the boys in trouble." I pulled my arm out of her grip and looked at her.

"We don't want to get the boys in trouble? So it's okay for him to talk shit and try to hit on me? But as soon as I stand up for myself I'm in the wrong?" She shook her head and grabbed my hands.

"That's not what I meant and you know it. Come on let's go find the boys." There was a loud commotion and a circle started to form. We looked and I spotted John B punch Kelce in the face.

"Found them." We both started running towards the group of people, fighting our way through we got to the circle right as the other boys did. Some bitch shoved Sara and Kiara jumped on her.

"What the hell?? Who's side are you on?" The bitch screamed at Kiara and stepped towards her. I stepped up.

"Watch it bitch, I'd hate to ruin your makeup." She looked at me and glared. Then looked at Kiara.

"You belong with them!" She turned and walked away before I could do anything. I turned and the boys were all fighting.

"Get them Y/n!" Kiara yelled and I popped my knuckles.

"Yes ma'am!" I jumped in the fight and started pulling guys off each other. "Swing on me bitch and see what happens!" I yelled at some kook and he backed off. I grabbed Pope and shoved him towards the girls and he saw it was me and walked off. "JJ!" I screamed as I saw him and John B on Topper.

I ran up to them and grabbed Toppers shirt pulling him away. He swung at me, his punch landing on my side. I stepped back and looked at him while holding where he hit. JJ looked at me and then Topper. Topper looked shocked when he noticed he hit me.

"Y/n, you have believe me I didn't-" Before he could finish his sentence JJ grabbed his collar and started landing blow after blow on him.

"JJ! Enough come on!!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him off. All three of us ran to the others and we booked it out of there. We made it to the van and JJ handed me a beer.

"Well that was unexpected." JJ smirked and I shook my head with a smile.

"Was it?" Kiara looked at us and then turned away. We all sat there in silence. I watched John B as he laid back with a can on his face.

"She'll come around." JJ nodded and I shoved him.

"Really?" I whispered and he shrugged.

"It's like everything that happened to us didn't matter." John B said softly. I climbed into the van and pulled him into me.

"Come on bubba, she's a pogue." I tossed the keys to Kiara and JJ got in. "Let's go home."


We got to our house and nobody said a word. John B went to his room and the rest of us sat on the porch.

"You guys really think she'll come around?" Pope asked tossing a ball in the air.

"I'm sure she will." I nodded taking a sip out of my beer. "If she doesn't, I'll just talk to her." I smirked and JJ laughed.

"No, you're not going to go beat her into being with John B." Kiara looked at me and I shrugged.

"She's lucky I didn't for breaking my brothers heart. I get it her dad blew himself up. Sad times for her, but that piece of shit killed our dad and tried to have John B killed on multiple occasions. To hell with him!" I yelled the last part and JJ grabbed my shoulder.

"Calm down smalls, he got what was coming to him. Now we just need to be there for our friends." I rolled my eyes and he pulled me into a hug. "Come on let's go to bed." He kissed my hair and saluted to Kiara and Pope.

"Make yourselves at home kiddos." I winked and JJ pulled me along.

"No Pogue on Pogue makin!" Pope yelled and I flipped him off.

"That rule left the second you guys hooked up." I yelled back as me and JJ walked into the house.

"Thanks Y/n!" Kiara yelled back and I made a yikes face at JJ and he chuckled. We walked into my room and I closed the door. JJ pulled me onto him as he fell onto my bed.

"How many girls have you slept with on my bed JJ?" I asked with a light laugh.

"How many guys have you gone home with?" He asked back with the same tone. I sat up and looked at him.

"Every time?" I looked at him with a smile on my face. "I need to wash my sheets." I went to get up and he pulled me closer to him.

"Shut up and snuggle me smalls." He squeezed me and held me close.

"Why do you call me smalls?" I looked up at him as I traced shapes on his chest.

"When we were kids, you were taller then me right?" He looked at me and I smiled.

"Hell yea I was shorty," he smiled at me.

"You we're always calling me shorty and small stack, so when I finally towered over you I thought to myself, 'what is the one name she hasn't called me.' You never once called me smalls, so it stuck out." I chuckled and laid my head back on his chest. He started playing with my hair.

"Smartass," I smiled and kissed his chest.

"Hey," I looked up and he tugged me impossibly closer. "You know I care about you right?" He searched my eyes as he moved my hair out of my face.

"Of course I know you care about me JJ, we've been best friends since we were in diapers."

"No Y/n, you don't get it." He sat up causing me to have to sit up. "I care about you more then that, I'm in fucking love with you!" My jaw dropped and I stared at him in shock. "I'm in love with you Y/n." His voice dropped and he sounded on the verge of tears.

"JJ- I- I don't know what to say." I stood up and he grabbed my hand.

"We've been best friends for forever, how could I not fall in love with you. Yes no Pogue on Pogue makin, I don't care, fuck that rule man." He tugged me closer and wiped my face. I didn't realize I was crying.

"JJ, I love you too, so much bub, I am in love with you." I placed my hand against his cheek and he leaned into it, closing his eyes.

"Be my girlfriend smalls?" He looked up at me and I nodded.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend bub." I smiled and leaned down to kiss him. He grabbed my hips and pulled me on top of him, while kissing me back. I smiled as he pulled away.

"Damn your menstrual cycle." I laughed as he flopped back onto the bed.

"You've waited this long, you can wait a couple more days bub." I climbed off of him and turned the lamps off. I crawled into bed and JJ pulled me close.

"I love you smalls." He kissed my hair and I snuggled into him more.

"I love you too JJ."

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