Emilio Martinez

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Translations at the bottom

I decided it would be fun to explore Barcelona, since I had just moved here from America. I decided it would be good for me to move to a foreign country away from all the drama and stress, make a new life for me. I barley speak Spanish since I decided it would be more fun to learn French. Stupid me, I have always wanted to move to Spain. It intrigued me more then France, yet I took French instead of learning Spanish.

I was walking around completely lost, I saw a cute fountain and sat down on it's ledge. I looked at my phone, and then looked around.

"Tourist?" A handsome boy asked, he looked familiar but I couldn't quite place it. I had seen him on my phone, Instagram maybe?

"Actually I just moved here, umm I need help looking for this." I showed him a picture of the Laberint d'Horta Park. I can pronounce words great, knowing what I'm saying is the difficult part.

"aw Laberint d'Horta Park es bonita! (1)" I raised my eyebrow at him and he chuckled to himself. "Very beautiful park." I smiled grateful for his english.

"What is it called in english?" I asked extremely confused.

"Maze of Horta park, it has mazes and is, like I said, very beautiful. Want me to show you where it is?"

"Yes please," I sounded desperate but didn't care because I was!

"I'm waiting for my brother is it okay if we wait?"

"Of course I'm in no rush," I put my phone in my bag, knowing me I would drop it in the fountain.

"What is your name?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Y/n, you?" I placed my hands in my lap and looked at him.

"Emilio," Sounds familiar but still no idea.

"EMILIO!" A boy that looked just like Emilio ran up. THE MARTINEZ TWINS! How could I have let that slip? I am a fan of them both!

"Hola hermano, esta es Y/n. (2)" I smiled hearing my name. I have no idea what he said to him. "Ella solo habla inglés. (3)" Still lost, I just sat there awkardly.

"Hi, I'm Ivan." I shook his hand and smiled.


"Ella quiere ir a Laberint d'Horta Park, dije que podríamos llevarla. (4)" Ivan nodded and looked at me.

"Shall we get going then?" I nodded and stood up we walked to a bus and got on. "So what are you doing here in Barcelona?"

"I needed a break from America, so much going on."

"Where in America are you from?" Emilio asked as Ivan listened closely, they are very good listeners.

"Montana," I answered looking at both twins on each side of me. Yea they twin sandwhiched me.

"Well you will love Barcelona, it is beautiful and fun." Ivan spoke with pride for his country. I respect that 100 percent!

"I hope I love it," I looked out the window.

"Ella es bonita. ¿qué piensas?(5)" I heard Ivan ask and I continued to look out the window. Yes I was eavesdropping but does it count if you can't understand the language?

"Mucho bonita, parné. (6)" I looked back as Ivan rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked as Ivan cracked a smile.

"Nothing my brother is childish," Ivan answered as Emilio smiled.

"I'm not being childish," Emilio argued.

"Calling dibs on a girl isn't childish? Then what is?" My eyes widened as Emilio blushed and Ivan smiled at his brothers embarrassment.

"You called dibs on me?" I asked shocked.

"Yea, could I have your number?" He spent a lot of time with Jake, but none the less I gave him my number putting a smile on his face.

"Wow, smooth." Ivan spoke as we stepped off the bus. Today should be interesting with my new friends.

Let your mind control what happens at the park and after. If you love the martinez twins, Emilio specifically, go read my book Big Shock. It is my very first book, hope you like it!

Here is a translation
1. Aw Maze of Horta Park is beautiful.
2. Hello brother this is Y/n.
3. She only speaks English.
4. She wants to go to Maze of Horta park, I told her we would take her.
5. She is beautiful. What do you think?
6. Very beautiful, dibs.

Xoxo Author

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