Jaden Hossler #3

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Me and Nessa finished packing my bags. I looked at her and we both were holding tears back. We started crying again and just hugged each other. I was going to be on a plane on my way home in three hours, I did not want to leave.

"Why can't you stay?" Nessa cried, I cried harder as I thought about the reason.

"You know I have a life back home, I'm surprised my agency let me leave for two months." I wiped my tears and she did the same.

"Can't they transfer you here?" I sniffed and shook my head as more tears fell.

"I wish, but no." I looked at her and she hugged me again.

"Jaden isnt going to be happy. Hell, the group isnt going to be happy. Avani was a crying mess yesterday, just imagine the rest of us." Nessa let go and I wiped my nose and nodded.

"I know," I looked at my phone and sighed. My lockscreen was a group picture, all of the Sway house plus Avani, me, and Nessa. I locked my phone and tossed it in my purse bag.

"Let's go," she grabbed my suitcase and I grabbed my carry on and purse. I sighed and closed her door as we walked out of the room. We got to the front door and her parents came out, her mom was crying as her dad held tears in his eyes.

"Bye honey, come back soon." Mom hugged me and cried, she pulled away and dad pulled me into a hug.

"You are always welcome here." I nodded and we walked out. We keep one of my cars here so that when I visit I have something to drive, it's actually mine and Nessa's. Nessa put my suitcase into the trunk and I tossed the carry on in the backseat. We waved bye and got in.

We pulled up to the Sway house and sat in the car. I stared at the house that held so many good memories over the past two months. I sighed and Nessa rubbed my arm, I looked at her and she gave me a sad smile. I nodded and we got out. We walked in and everyone stared at us. I was immediately in a group hug and we all started crying. We all pulled away and I looked around. Jaden was in the kitchen doorway and looked like he didn't sleep at all. We stared at each other and he turned around and walked into the kitchen. I followed and stood at the door. Everyone stayed in the livingroom giving us some privacy.

"So that's it huh?" He asked bitterly. I was taken back.

"What's it?" He turned and tears threatened to spill from his eyes. His eyes were blood shot, his hair was a mess, and he looked exhausted.

"You're just going to leave!?" I jumped as he rose his voice.

"I have to Jaden." I whispered looking down and he laughed bitterly.

"You dont have to." I looked at him as tears blurred my vision.

"You think this is easy!?" He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Obviously it's not that hard for you to leave us." I scoffed and shook my head.

"I dont want to leave Jaden." I crossed my arms and looked down.

"THEN DONT!" He slammed his hands down on the island and I jumped again.

"I HAVE TO! I DONT WANT TO LEAVE THE SWAY HOUSE! I DONT WANT TO LEAVE NESSA AND HER FAMILY...and most of all... I don't want to leave you." I looked up as tears fell down my face.

"What will make you change your mind?" He asked and tears fell from his eyes and I looked down.

"Nothing," I sniffed and wiped my eyes and nose. Nothing can make me stay, I have a job I am obligated to.

"Bullshit," I looked at him and laughed.

"You really think this is easy for me huh? Well look at you Jaden! You're practically pushing me away. So much for a best friend." I don't know what I'm doing or saying.

"MAYBE IM TRYING TO SEE IF THATS ALL IT TAKES FOR YOU TO LEAVE ME! LEAVE US!" I walked up to the counter and looked him dead in his eyes.

"If you think this is easy, and pushing me away will work then obviously over these last two months you didnt learn anything about me. Then again you probably treat a lot of girls like this huh?" What the actually fuck did I just say?

"Did you really just say that?" He asked getting his face closer to mine.

"It's the truth, huh?" I glared, me and him have never fought before.

"At the parties, I was staring at you. You looked so good that no other girl could compare. The next morning, when we were hung over, you looked better. When we'd wake up from a movie night, I'd smile because of the gorgeous girl that laid beside me the entire night. When you werent around and you were with the girls, I missed you. I would watch your posts and like them. I didn't even sleep with you and I didn't need to, you had me hooked the minute I saw you in your Guns and Rose's over sized hoodie. When we arent together I listen to Sweet Child O' Mine. When you wear my clothes I cant help but think how adorable you look. When you pout, I want to do nothing but make you smile. You love the sun but darkness makes you calm. You like sunsets but prefer the moon. I know you hate hurting your friends, and hate seeing them upset. I know this is killing you..." He got closer to my face. "But not enough to make you stay." He pushed off the counter and glared harder.

"You only noticed me..." I blinked as his words repeated in my mind.

"I am so in love with you Y/n. We've never shared a kiss, or held hands, or cuddled, or anything relationship wise, and you managed to make me feel like I actually meant something to someone. Like I found the girl I could have forever." I sat there and stared at him. "But none of that matters huh? Cause you're still going to leave." I looked down and he scoffed and walked out of the kitchen. I turned and everyone stared at me. I bolted, I ran out of the house and got in my car.

I sped all the way to the airport and sat there. I still had an hour until my flight. I grabbed my phone and stared at the lockscreen. Did I just ruin the best thing that could of ever happened to me? Did I just make a huge mistake? I unlocked my phone and froze, my homescreen was a picture of me and Jaden... His arms was around my waist and I was laughing. I had smashed a cake in his face and he was smiling as I laughed. He was trying to rub the caked off his face onto mine, my hand was on his forehead trying to push him away, he succeeded after the picture was taken.

I wiped my tears, and stared at the picture as all of our memories floated through my mind along with his words... He's in love with me, how could I have ever missed that? How could I ignore my feelings? I can't go home when home is in Jaden's arms. I turned my car on and sped off towards the Sway house.

I knocked on the door and Nessa opened it. She had been crying and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Girl your plane is about to take off."

"Where is Jaden?" She smiled and moved out of my way.

"His room." I bolted past her dropping everything in my hands and running up the stairs two at a time. Everyone stared at me as I passed them, some getting out of my way. I stopped in front of his door and knocked.

"Go away." His voice sounded broken, I knocked again, trying to catch my breath. "I said go away." I knocked one last time, his door swung open "I said... Y/n."

"I'm in love with you Jaden Hossler, so damn much." I grabbed his face and kissed him. He didn't miss a beat and grabbed my waist pulling me to him. We pulled away and he rested his forehead on mine.

"Your flight," I laughed softly and looked into his eyes.

"How can I go home, when home is with you here in the Sway house." He smiled a big smile and picked me up.

"Be my girlfriend?"

"Obviously." I pulled his face for another kiss.


Okay that's the last Hossler one, unless you guys want another one.

Xoxo Author.

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