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Jungkook placed a trembling Taehyung in his car and took out a jacket from his car and wrapped it around Taehyung. Taehyung was still sniffling just like Jungkook.

Jungkook entered the car and started driving as he kept on glancing towards Taehyung who wrapped himself in the jacket while making himself so small on the seat. Jungkook never saw Taehyung so vulnerable and same goes for Taehyung. Both saw each other's weak side.

Only heavy breathing and sniffles could be heard as Jungkook kept on driving.

Both were heartbroken for different reasons.

One just lost his "friend" and rejected the person who loves him more than anything and the other got rejected by the person he loved for so long and on top of that he saw the most awful scene of his love crying, pleading and being hurt and he wasn't able to do anything.

After sometime Taehyung went completely silent.

"P–Please move on from me, sir. I'm not good for you, you deserve so much better", Taehyung spoke in a small voice.

Jungkook smiled sadly.

"W–why would I go for better when you're the best for me, Tae", Jungkook spoke and Taehyung got speechless again.

The boy loves him way too much.

"And about moving on, I tried to get rid of these feelings before when I started falling for you but I only fell harder, baby. It's impossible f–for me to move on. I'm madly in love with y–you, Taehyungie. You can't even imagine that", Jungkook confessed again as his eyes started tearing up again but he wiped it off.

Taehyung wiped away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks again.

"Can I t–take leave of some days, sir? I really need sometime alone to clear my mind", Taehyung asked hopefully.

"Y–You're angry at me, right?", Jungkook asked, his tears coming down again.

"No, sir!", Taehyung panicked. "How can I be angry at someone who loves me so much. N–Now when I look back at times y–you really did love me but I was oblivious to it. I–It's not your fault that Byungho fell for y–you...", Taehyung spoke.

"And I fell for you", Jungkook added.

"Y–yeah", Taehyung said in a very small voice.

"Y–You can take the leave, Tae. If it makes you feel better. I–I know you've rejected me but I'll wait for y–you", Jungkook's voice came like he's wounded as the car stopped as Taehyung's house came.

Taehyung's eyes softened. Even Jungkook's eyes said how much he loved him. He lifted his hand and wiped Jungkook's tears making him smile a little but his next words made his smile fall, "Don't wait for m–me, Jungkook. We won't ever be able to be t–together", there was so much pain in Taehyung's voice. He felt really bad for rejecting him. No one ever confessed to him like that and Jungkook's confession really made his heart melt but he knew he can't give hopes to him when he never even liked someone in a romantic way.

"D–Don't say that. Don't break my heart, love!", Jungkook started crying again. Taehyung immediately felt like punching himself for making him cry.

"Look I'm s–so sorry! Don't cry, Jungkook please!", Taehyung immediately started wiping his tears. But Jungkook kept on sniffling.

"Y–You should go now, love. You're already drenched from the r–rain. I'll miss you", Jungkook whispered with a broken voice. It made him feel a little happy seeing concern for him in Taehyung's eyes.

"Take c–care please, Jungkook. D–don't let this affect you", Taehyung said in a soft voice as he looked over at Jungkook for the last time and opened the door to leave.

"I love you", Taehyung heard Jungkook say this. He turned back and sadly smiled and left.

Jungkook knew he was going to be rejected and he knew it would hurt him, but he didn't know it would hurt him so bad. He doesn't regrets confessing to Taehyung, neither does he regrets falling for him, there's only one regret that why Byungho had to come in their lives.

"I wish Jungkook fell for me, instead of him falling for that Taehyung", Byungho said to himself while laying on the bed of a hotel.

"I wish instead of Byungho, Taehyung would have fallen for me", Jungkook whispered sadly as he drove off to his house.

The whole night the three of them cried themselves to sleep. Byungho decided to not go to the office the next day while Taehyung decided to go to Daegu and as for Jungkook he did nothing but to lock himself in his room while crying. Soon Jin took the spare keys and went in Jungkook's room and after that Jungkook cried in Jin's arms.


Jin felt so bad for Jungkook. He knew that rejection would affect Jungkook but it's affecting him way too much, he's been crying for Taehyung almost all the time.

Even before confessing to Taehyung Jungkook was not feeling well from the past week. He's been vomiting and even started eating weird combination of food which is worrying Jin even more. He's been craving for Taehyung more than anything. Before he was fine with just the photo of Taehyung but now he's wanting the real Kim Taehyung only. He has become really sensitive and the rejection just broke him more.

Jin was worrying because of Jungkook's health getting worse. Even Jungkook didn't go to office because he's not getting better. Jungkook's trusted man Kim Namjoon has to take his position in his absence as Jin would be taking care of Jungkook.

"I w–want my Taehyungie", Jungkook cried.

"He'll come soon, bub. Don't cry", Jin tried to calm the crying boy.

"No! I want Taehyungie! He rejected me but still I want him. Please Jin Hyung it's hurting s–so bad call my Taehyungie I'm in so much of pain. I'm suffering s–so bad!", Jungkook was panting very heavily by this time.

Even Jin teared up seeing Jungkook's condition.

What's happening to my brother? He so badly wanted to cry but stopped himself.

He decided to call the doctor even though Jungkook doesn't likes them, but still he had to otherwise he doesn't knows what will happen to him.


Ahh I'm feeling sooo bad😭😭

I don't hv anything to say so bye ppl👋😭

Stay safe 💞 Borahae 💜

~ Saanvi 😭😭

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