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I'll most probably update "REWRITE THE STARS" today too😆💃


You'll get a pleasant surprise in next chp but dis was necessary for it to happen in dis chp :')


It's been three weeks since Taehyung have started living with Jungkook. He's taking care of Jungkook. They both are being happier than ever.

No one in their family except Jin knows about Jungkook's pregnancy.

Today Jungkook's father Mr. Jeon Chanho wanted to meet Jungkook, therefore Jungkook had to go to his office too. Taehyung had some work so he'll be arriving a little later in the office.

Jungkook is thinking that he's being called because of work as his father never contacts him until and unless he has some work from Jungkook.

He was in his office, waiting for his father while working a little too.

Soon his father arrived.

"Jungkook", he called out.

He sat infront of Jungkook's seat.

"Yes father?", He asked.

"I want to discuss an important matter with you... It's regarding your life as well as business", Chanho spoke in a firm tone.

Jungkook started feeling uneasy. He realized from his father's tone that it's going to be very important. Already his father made his life a hell at a very young age... Now he doesn't knows what's coming next? It better be not that bad.

"You must be knowing that if this company collaborates with 'Paradise Enterprises' it would be triple times beneficial for our company, right?", Chanho asked with a blank face.

"Yes, father", Jungkook replied.

"They have a deal for us and if we do it they'll surely collaborate", Chanho told Jungkook as he paused.

"What's the deal, father?"

"You have to marry the owner of 'Paradise Enterprises', Mr. Han Sungho", Chanho breathed out. It's not like Jungkook is seeing someone. And even if he was, he gotta break up with them and do as his father says.

Jungkook felt his stomach churn as his eyes widened. No way in hell would he marry anyone except Taehyung.

"N–no, father. I'm kinda seeing someone and I'm very much interested in him, so I can't. I'm sorry", Jungkook spoke out while his face forming beads of sweat. Today for the first time he refused his father.

His father was really furious. How could his son refuse to HIM.

"Who is he!? Is he rich? How much money does he makes?? Is he richer than you? Are his stan–", his father was cut off by Jungkook.

"He's my assistant and I don't care how much money he makes. I LOVE HIM and I can't marry anyone else!", Jungkook retorted.

His father made an even more face of disgust. How can a rich, famous CEO go after a mere, ordinary assistant of his!

"Break up with that good for nothing assistant of yours! God your choice is so fvcking bad! You can't end up falling for anyone!", His father shouted, anger started gushing down his veins. His son refused him for the first time just because he claims that he's in love with some mere ordinary guy.

"No I won't! I love him way too much to leave him. I had him after waiting for so long! I won't sacrifice my happiness again, father. He IS my happiness and I won't let you take my happiness again", Jungkook tried his best to not tear up. His father sacrificed his happiness before too but now he won't let him do that again.

"You are marrying Han Sungho and that's it!", Chanho spoke gritting his teeth.

"He won't marry me anyways, father. I am pregnant w–with my love's child", Jungkook finally revealed and the shock on his father's face made him know that his father is not happy.

"D–Don't lie, Jungkook", His father stuttered.

"No, father. I swear I'm not lying"

His father was furious would be an understatement. He knew that Jungkook won't lie about these things. His face started to burn in anger as his hands started shaking in anger. "I fvcking knew you were a slut, Jungkook! You just wanted to get laid all the time and that was your motive. I wonder how many guys had you already and one of them got you pregnant! And now you claim you love him!? It's LUST not LOVE, Jungkook. Open your fvcking eyes! Are you even sure the child is his!? You are such a disgrace to our family, fvcking hell!", His father yelled.

Jungkook's eyes and heart both were stinging. How could his father say that?! He never ever gave himself to anyone except Taehyung. Infact he even avoided unnecessary skinships. He IS way too sure that he has LOVE and LUST both for Taehyung ONLY, still his love for Taehyung dominates the lust. He only wants Taehyung near him and nothing else.

"I–I never gave myself anyone except him, Father. And I LOVE HIM! I always had Since three years! I won't leave him. I'm sorry", Jungkook's hands were trembling by now. His father's words felt like those words are stabbing his heart mercilessly making him internally scream in pain.

His father got up furiously from his seat as he came closer to Jungkook. Even Jungkook got up seeing that. His father grabbed his collar making him gasp in fear.

"Listen you insolent boy...", His father spoke while gritting his teeth.

"You.Are.Marrying.Sungho", his father continued while glaring daggers at Jungkook.

"N–no Father soon I'll have a child I have to take care of the child. I–I can't...", Jungkook croaked out as he tried to get away from his father's grip on him.


These words were enough for Jungkook's heart to shatter in pieces. How easily his father said to abort the innocent little bean that was growing in his tummy? The tears that he tried to control finally rolled down.

"The baby is of that low standard guy and our standards are way too high for it. I only want a child of someone well-known, rich person who would deserve this. This is a MISTAKE. ABORT IT", His father trailed off as if it's nothing.

Sad and Angry tears were rolling down Jungkook's cheeks. He pushed his father with all his strength.

"Don't.You.Dare.Say.That.Again", this time Jungkook was the one who gritted his teeth. This was the first time he was talking back to his father.

"I won't ever do this to my child! And about my love he's far better than those rich bratty people! We don't deserve a pure person like him!", Jungkook spoke furiously.

"I'm only his. I won't ever marry someone else", Jungkook's face was red by now.

"You dare to raise your voice against your FATHER because of that chick of yours! I'll make sure you marry Sungho and about the child..."

"Better abort it", His father shouted before angrily barging out of the cabin leaving an angry and upset Jungkook behind.


I swear this has a reason but everything would b fine, maybe in the next chp. Don't worry ;)

Stay safe 💞 Borahae 💜

~ Saanvi💖

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