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Jin currently was showering while rapping daechwita because when he checked on Jungkook, he was sleeping peacefully.

Little did he know that his cousin is a crying mess now


Jungkook opened his eyes and he noticed that Taehyung was not by his side. He panicked.

"W–was it all a dream!? Was T–Taehyungie never by my side?", Tears started rolling down his face as he thought of these possibilities. He is not to be blamed as he has already become sensitive due to his pregnancy.

Within no time he was a crying mess as he cried his Taehyungie's name.

His sob only got louder as he started breathing heavily Don't stress yourself it's not good for your baby his inner voice said. He loved his unborn child but still he couldn't stop himself from crying. Taehyung was with him but he believed it was all a dream and that's breaking him again.

Soon the door barged open and revealed a very worried Taehyung. Jungkook looked up and cried harder as he spread his arms indicating Taehyung to hug him. Taehyung wasted no time and sat on the bed and brought the crying fragile boy on his lap. Jungkook immediately wrapped both his legs around Taehyung's waist and his arms around his torso and started crying on his chest.

"Oh my God! Petal calm down.... Did you get a nightmare?", Taehyung asked, his voice filled with worry.

Jungkook just cried in his chest as he felt Taehyung's hand caressing his fluffy hair.

"Although I–I show I'm emotionless, actually I'm n–not, Taehyungie! I have feelings too, don't play with my emotions, baby. Even I–I want to feel loved... But only by you, Taehyungie. J–Just tell me whether you're real or am I d–dreaming again!?", Jungkook cried making Taehyung feel a pang in his heart.

He broke the boy so much that he's not even believing that Taehyung is with him... For real now.

He rubbed circles on Jungkook's back and soothingly started speaking while trying not to stutter

"You're not dreaming, my petal. I–I am here and I won't ever leave you... Stop crying, sugar. I'm sorry for h–hurting you so much!"

Jungkook looked up at Taehyung with his teary bambi eyes,"Are y–you sure?"

Taehyung felt like slapping himself so badly. He never had the intention of hurting Jungkook but still he did. He hated himself for hurting the younger boy.

He nodded with a small reassuring smile making the younger boy smile too as he kissed the older boy's cheek.

"I'm sorry, sugar f–for hurting you", Taehyung's voice cracked.

Jungkook immediately hugged the boy more. "You d–don't need to be s–sorry, my love. Now you're with me so I don't want anything else", Jungkook spoke sniffling.

"Ok, now my baby needs rest...", Taehyung started speaking after sometime.

Oh yes our child needs rest... I'm sorry my child I'll stay happy and make you and your father happy too Jungkook scolded himself internally for possibly hurting the baby. "I'm s–sorry, Tae. You're right our baby needs re–"

"I'm talking about both my babies, baby", Taehyung smiled as Jungkook's eyes widened. Did he just call me baby?!

"Aren't you my baby too, sugar? Even you need a rest... See how your nose and cheeks got red and puffy, still you manage to look so cute... Like a cute baby", Taehyung spoke honestly making Jungkook shyly smile.

𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖤 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖬𝖤 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now