Underground Menace

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As Kharjo walked back inside, I tried talking to the giant more, asking him many more questions, but he didn't answer back, Kharjo walked back out and told me that the potion does not last very long, that is why he must make more. I went over to the newly built blacksmith forge, and sharpened my blade, and made some arrow tips. The Jarl walked over to me. " I assume your settling in well here?" He asked me. " Yes, its been fair, except the freezing winds that rip through ten layers of fur." We both laughed. " Now, I know your your busy preparing for the dragons, but right now, we have something else to worry about." He said, as his voice changed from joyfulness to being very worried. " What is worrying you?" I asked. " Last night, one of my scouts were at a watch post, high up in the mountains, when he noticed a large force of what looked like people. He ran back as fast as he could, but he said he  was attacked by one of them. He told me an army was headed to Whiterun, and had with weapons drawn. When I asked him who is was, or if is was from a foreign land, he told me that he fought one, and it was the Falmer." The Falmer. Creatures from underneath our feet. The stories say that one day they will rise up, and seek to wipe out the over-world, and all of its inhabitants. " So now what your saying is, we must defend the dragons while fending off the Falmer?" I asked. " Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. It is going to be very demoralizing. When we fight them, we are going to suffer many losses, which in turn takes the numbers of our army, well... " He was to afraid to say it, so I finished for him. " Take the numbers of our army down, and makes us a very small and weak force against the dragons. When they attack, it's going to be a bloodbath, and then the dragons can come and wipe out whoever remains "

A Life In The World Of SKYRIM, Book IWhere stories live. Discover now