A Change In Pace

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As i left the old cottage behind, i wondered why he helped me, a stranger. I walked past a rock and found my deer in the grass, and then remembered that i shot him just a day ago. I threw it over my shoulder's and began my journey back home. The buck did not smell rotted, so i assumed it was still edible. I made my way back with no trouble, and was nearing the gates of Whiterun, when i remembered i left my bow and arrow's at the Kajiit's cottage. I figured he would just leave it alone, so i went to my house and threw the dead deer on the table where i cut all my game. When i left the house a man ran up to me and said he had a delivery for me. I opened the cloth and wrap, and inside sat a hunting bow, in great shape, along with ten steel arrows, and a note. The note read "Dear hunter, we appreciate your sacrifice and are rewarding you with a new bow with a set of arrow's for dealing with an enemy archmage. If you are to kill any more of them, take their amulet and robes, and bring them up to dragonsreach and speak to Farengar Secret-Fire, the court mage for your reward. Safe travels, Jarl Balgruuf the Greater." "The Jarl sent me a bow and arrow's for killing one mage? I am not a murderer, but all of this, i wonder what would happen if i were to kill four or five more. I mean, it is not like i am making trouble, i am helping the people of Skyrim with this threat." I thought it over and over to myself. My stomach started to growl, and i went and made supper. Not an ordinary day after all. I don't know if i should make hunting mages my routine from now on, or keep my old one. I'm not sure if i could kill people for a living, either. For now i am to eat and rest, that thinking is for another day. I suppose i should ask around and ask people i know about this threat and what they think i should do, although my decision is the one that counts, it wouldn't hurt to have other people's opinion's.

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