A Stronger Bond

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As i stared into Ria's eyes, the look she gave me, she must think i am some kind of monster. I feel like a monster as i look into her eyes. I had to get up and leave, and i did. But right before i left the table, i said "I understand if you two don't want to talk to me. I know i am some kind of monster, but please, keep your promise and don't tell anyone." I gave Ria one more look, and she started to cry. I turned around and started to make my way to the door, when Alexia said "Wait, every time a Dragonborn appears, dragon's appear shortly after, right?" She must know about this more than i thought. "Yes, but how did you know that?" "I studied it a little bit, and did some reading on it." "Well that explains it, but why is your sister crying?" "Because, every Dragonborn that was recorded in the books we read, every single one was killed when they fought them." She is worried about me. This is the only time someone has ever worried about me. I went over to the table again and sat down. I put my arms around her to comfort her, and i tried to stop her from crying. "She cant lose you, you saved her life, and that means everything to her." Tears started to form in Alexia's eyes. "I can't lose you, not after all we have been through, please, don't go." She was starting to cry, and i couldn't stop it. I already told the Greybeard's i was doing this. "If i could turn back time, and tell the Greybeard's i was not going to do it, i would, but i need to, for the sake of Skyrim. If i don't do this, i won't just die, you both will die, and i can't have that. My mind is made up, i will die protecting this land, and everyone who lives on it." Alexia then stopped crying, and stared at me, then drew her sword. "I can't let you do this, not alone. My sword and shield are at your side, you point me at the enemy, i will attack. If you step behind me, i will defend. Ria! are you you with me?" "Yes sister, i will stand by your side, Dragonborn." I did not know what to say, they were ready to give their lives for me, no, not for me, for Skyrim.

A Life In The World Of SKYRIM, Book IWhere stories live. Discover now