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I ran, i was out of arrow's, but they kept coming. I couldn't fight all of the trolls off myself. They were closing in, quickly i jumped over a rock. I slipped when i landed, and i tumbled down the mountain. They pounced on me. Ripped through my armor like cloth. Cut into my stomach, biting off my arms, gnawing on my legs, and giving me pummeling strikes to my face. I screamed. I jumped up in a sweat, it was a dream. No, it couldn't be a dream, it was so real. I quickly check myself. Both my arms were there, legs intact, stomach fine, but grumbling, face not beaten, except for a few scratches from tree branches. Armor was on the chair. I was fine, nothing but a few cuts and bruises. I gathered myself together, and went downstairs. I threw the last rabbit into the pot, again the same thing. Leek's, then potatoes. While it cooked, I put my armor on and got my bow and arrow's off the rack. Then i ate my food, and left my house. It was early morning, the sun was just coming out. I said hello to two of the battle-born's and left town. About an hour into my journey, there, by the stream. A nice sized buck, i finally could take a break from hunting for a day if i could get this. I drew my bow and loaded an arrow on the string. I drew back and aimed, it still did not notice me. I let the arrow fly, and struck it right through the eye and into the skull. I don't know how i did it, but the shot was nearly perfect. I went over to my game, picked it up and threw it over my shoulder's. Two legs in front and two in back, it was a good day. As i was walking back, i decided to take a shortcut off the main path. About twenty minutes into my walk i had to stop and rest. The buck was heavier than i thought. I then heard rustling behind me. Another deer? Maybe this is my lucky day. A man in a robe approached me, chanting or praying. He shot a bolt of lighting at me and missed. I didn't know what to do. A mage, this close to town? I drew my bow, loaded another arrow. He shot again, and it hit my leg, the pain shot through me instantly. I let the arrow fly, right through his stomach. He fell, i knew it would have killed him, with no armor, that was for sure. He chanted one last time before he died. My leg was bleeding, enough to slow me down. It must have just scraped my leg. I picked myself up, then the buck, and got back to the gate before i collapsed.

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