News for Book II

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  • Dedicated to To All My Followers and Fans

Hopefully when I work on it a little more, The second part of the book will be posted shortly. It will probably not be posted all at once, but will have updates every now and then. I really wasn't going to continue with the story, but once i saw how popular it got, i decided i will make a small collection of the series, and every-ones journey throughout Tamriel. We will explore how Titus and his followers deal with the dragons, who survives the oncoming war, and many new experiences for him. He will make new friends, but with friends comes new enemies. If you read this book, and thought " Well, this isn't how the main quest line is supposed to go, he made Skyrim totally different." It was never my intention to do a book on the main quest line. There were many books about the main quest line already, and i never felt like I should write a book on what you can enjoy in the game. I wanted to create something different. something that does not happen in the game. So if you were looking for a book on what goes on in the game, I am sorry that this did not help you, but i feel like why read something that you can enjoy and play out by yourself, and make your own choices and paths. But, well that's about it, just a disclaimer on whats in store for the future. If you want the latest news on whats going on, fan me and you should be instantly announced when I update. Not saying you have to, but if you want to drop in, and enjoy a quick, small journey into Tamriel, and what it has to offer, the choice is yours :) If you want to, check me out on youtube, while waiting for the next update, check out EchonyJoe, I know im not famous or anything, but i really like to connect with you guys!! Like, subscribe, all that stuff while you wait for the next update. I'd really appreciate it too :) Also, I LOVE fanart. So if anyone makes some i would love to see it! If you would like to support and help me make this a hobby/job, here's a link to my patreon to help me out. Your never inclined to do so, so please don't feel like I'm making you, if you did I would be forever grateful!

Thanks for all the reads, comments, you guys are why im writing a second book :) Have a great rest of your day, and hope to hear from you soon :)

A Life In The World Of SKYRIM, Book IWhere stories live. Discover now