An Odd Addition

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When it's fist hit the ground, I got thrown off in the process, and hit the ground with a hard thud. I got up and sheathed my bow, and stood up, and looked at the giant, and said "well big guy, I think we are even now" and let out a small chuckle. It looked at me, and stared, i watched as it scanned my body with its eyes. Before i could react, I was in his massive fist. "He doesn't care i helped him, he is going to kill me" i thought to myself. But fit didn't. It was gentle, and with the other hand, it picked up the dead troll. It put me down as the wind started to blow, then he put the troll in front of me, and sat behind me, blocking the wind. I think he is telling me to eat, but i was not going to eat this obliterated troll. So i dragged it over in front of him, and told him it was his to eat. He picked it up, and in just a couple of bites, it was gone, bone and all. Then he picked me up once again and threw me on his shoulder, and walked down the path I was originally going on. This was one of the oddest things i have ever seen, a beast befriending a human. As we walked, in the distance, I could see it, Whiterun. I got excited, and after all this walking, i was finally there. But as i regained my thoughts, i realized that I was going to Winterhold, not Whiterun. Somehow, we turned around, and I said "This is the wrong way, I appreciate your help, but I was going to Winterhold." not knowing if he understood me or not. Then, he held up a paper. It was one of the parchments i put up, but, that means he could read. How could this be? Where did he learn to read, and how did he learn to read? I asked him, but he didn't answer. Another question that bugged me was, how did he know that I was the Dragonborn? He picked me back and we continued. I thought, "if he could read that, maybe he could read something else" so i pulled out another parchment and wrote down "Would you like to help save Skyrim, and become a part of my army? You would be a great help." I looked up and gave him the parchment, and watched as he read it. He then gave me a great nod, and kneed before me.

A Life In The World Of SKYRIM, Book IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora