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       ANDROMEDA DID NOT handle negative emotion well, she wasn't accustomed to it because she usually had situations under control. But there she stood, in a hotel bathroom, her anger only growing and growing as she abused the door. 

     Cracks began to appear in the thickly wooded barrier, but it had yet to break. 

   She took a step back and looked at the door handle. Letting out a huffed breath, she brought up her leg and kicked the door handle, causing the door to fly open and the knob to land on the other side of the hotel room. 

    She ran out of the room and out of the hotel right when she ran into Alice and Jasper. Their eyes widened as they took in the girl's once-in-a-blue-moon anger. 

     "Annie, what's wrong?" 

She allowed her anger to simmer just a little as she informed the two of Bella's disappearance. They were quick to take a car and chase the girl down, but at that point, she must have already been at the studio. 


    THE DANCE STUDIO was darker than Bella remembered. Maybe had it been a change of circumstances, happier circumstances where she wasn't walking into her death, she'd enjoy the nostalgia.

    "Bella," her mother's voice called. "Bella!" 

It all seems too peaceful, too easy. 

    She opened the closet door only to reveal a screen, playing her memories. 

    "No," Bella whispers, realizing she's been tricked. 

    "Sorry," Bella turned around to see James looking everything, but sorry. "You made it too easy." 

    A smirk grows on his face as he holds up a video camera. "So to make this a touch more entertaining," as he spoke, lust and sadism crept into his voice like a mist. "I'm going to make a recording of our time together. I borrowed this from your house, hope you don't mind." 

    With a click, the camera is on. 

 "Action," he mouths with a silent snarl. 

      Once again she worked on pure adrenaline as she flung her purse at him and tried to run out the door. 

    "Excellent," he exclaims. "An escape attempt." 

  Within a second James is breathing down her neck, standing over her eerily. He walks around her, lust, slowly swarming in his eyes. He breathes in the smell of her hair, his nose trailing across her neck seductively. 

   "It'll break his little heart," he mutters with a grin. 

 A whimper nearly escaped Bella's mouth as she felt violated. "Leave Edward out of this. He has nothing to do with this." 

    He smiles and looks at her, forcing them to lock eyes. "No," he paused. "I don't think I will." 

   He backs away with the camera facing her. "You see Edward has everything to do with this. His rage will make a far better sport than his pathetic attempt to protect you." 

     He doesn't notice it, but Bella manages to spray him in the face with pepper spray, causing him to hiss out in pain. 

    As she tries to run she is suddenly yanked back and slammed into the mirrors in pain. 

    "Beautiful," he shouts out in elation."So very visually dynamic. I clearly chose my stage well." 

    She tries to stand as he advances towards he making him laugh. "Still stubborn, aren't you? Is that what makes you special? Because frankly, I don't see it." 

       He continues to taunt and torture her, the emptiness of the studio causing echoes of bones breaking and anguished screams as Bella wished she was dead. 

    She hadn't realized it until the pain stopped increasing that James was away from her and in Edward's grip. 

    "I'm strong enough to kill you," Edward growls. 

Bella doesn't know what to feel because she was in and out of consciousness. 

    She didn't know what had happened, but James was next to her, lifting her wrist up to his mouth before biting into it, forcing her to let out a loud agonized scream. 

   Everything around her blurred together as she forced herself to keep consciousness. Her body involuntary jerked on the floor while from the corner of her eyes she saw other vampires fighting James, Edward, and Carlisle suddenly at her side as she continued to scream. 

     Finally, Bella tried to give in to the unconscious mind when she was awoken by someone lightly smacking her cheek. 

     "Bella." A blurred purple-haired figure sitting above her. "I need you to stay awake."

    Bella cried, clamping her eyes shut. "It hurts," she screamed.

 Before she could say another thing there was another scream and Andromeda was gone, now Edward, Carlisle, and Alice hovering above her. 

     From the corner of her eyes, she saw Jasper and Emmett holding down James before a fire while the body she once thought was frail and fragile sat on James' shoulder, ripping his head off of his body. 

   Deciding she had seen too much she turned her eyes back to Edward, his mouth now connected to her wrist. 

    "Stop, her blood is clean." 

   His words blurred together as she started losing contact with reality. Finally, she gave up. She let go of the reality she gasped and fell out of consciousness. 


    DEATH WAS SUPPOSED to be peaceful. It was supposed to be filled with silence and comforting silence. 

   That's how Bella came to the sudden truth that she was still alive. Her heart still beat as she sat in pain in the hospital chair. 

    She couldn't bring herself to move the rest of her body, but she squeezes Edward's hand and let a smile slide on her face knowing that Edward was still by her side. 

━━𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦!

➥i'm not very good at fight scenes. i'm so sorry lol

𝐒𝐇𝐄⇾𝘢.𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 *𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora