Chapter 5

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  "What do you mean they will be able to look at my memories?"

  Jisung was panicking. He did not want the commission to see his memories — it's not like he has done anything sinful, it's just that he does not know what are the conditions for being pure enough to become an angel. He tasted alcohol and cigarettes in his human life, which might be enough for the commission to decide his fate in a way he would not like to head in. But apparently, even Changbin does not know what parameters the commission considers before giving away their final decision. And Jisung was everything but calm right now.

  "Um, from what I know," Changbin started looking at the books messily placed on his roommate's table. "They need to be hundred percent sure you haven't sinned. So, Mrs Kim came up with a method and some kind of ... spells? Those let them visit your mind and explore your memories."

  Jisung frowned, "Why? Don't they investigate you a little bit before you enrol here?"

  "They do but it's not as accurate because they can see the things you let them see. During the exam, it will be your subconsciousness to talk and give away your information. It's harder for you to hide the bad things you've done if you don't even know who you are during the process." the angel said, shrugging and Jisung's eyes widened. Almost choking on his own saliva, he quickly grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it, Changbin laughing at him.

  "That's so unfair," Jisung complained, a sad look on his face. This thing was making him feel overly anxious and that was a reaction he did not like any bit. Changbin just shook his head while slightly smiling.

  "Be glad they told you, Han. When I was new here as well, no one told us anything. We just arrived into the room and they told us to sit down and then like this," he snapped his fingers. "the whole thing was over and their decisions were ready. After they told us the results, they admitted to entering our subconsciousness without our consent, not really apologizing to be fair. I wouldn't mind it much if only one person or the commission saw that but they let just anyone in the room. It's like you are being on a public autopsy and everyone is just watching someone else go through your insides but this time they are revealing your personal information that only you know ... and after that, they erase all your memories BUT the ones of your sins."

  Upon hearing that, Jisung was even more nervous. It felt like it was way too much for him. Someone might ask why he cares this much if he's dead anyway? Well, embarrassing things suddenly do not stop being embarrassing once you pass away. Jisung throwing up on his test result during his freshman year will always be completely embarrassing to him even after thousands of years. The last thing he wants is to be reminded of that incident even here.

  "That's cruel," he said to which Changbin shrugged and continued with reading a book that the younger thinks he saw in the library earlier that week. Then he began to think. "Why wasn't a representative of the devils' commission there? Hyunjin's father or something"

  When Changbin heard that, he erupted into laughter, closing the book in his hands before throwing it on his bed. He put his arms (very muscular ones, Jisung thinks) around his stomach as he laughed even more upon imagining Satan himself visiting this place just to talk to a bunch of angels and devils.

  "Oh no, Han," Changbin laughed, even more, tears almost forming in his eyes. "Expecting his father to be here is like expecting God to appear here. Also, no one from the opponent commission came here because they don't really care about the exam. Devils don't really have to train or study anything. They just ... become one."

  Jisung gasped. "You're making it sound like they have it much easier than we do."

  "If only you knew, Han. If only you knew." Changbin muttered but it was too low for Jisung to hear.

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