Chapter 8

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  The day has come and Jisung was stomping in his room back and forth. Changbin was laying on his bed, an amused smirk on his face as he watched the younger stress himself out.

  "You know what? I have decided. How about I return to humans? And live a happy life until I die of age and then I won't have to be stressed because of such things," he said, taking out the uniform he was supposed to wear on this day. All white and leather. He bit his lip nervously before averting his face to Changbin. Again. "Won't I look too pale with this?"

  The angel rolled his eyes. "It's not like you have not worn this one before. And yes, you are pale. You're dead, anyway." As soon as the words left his mouth he heard a sharp exhale, followed by the younger muttering things like: "Oh, you are right... Thanks for the reminder. Get yourself together, Han Jisung."

  This whole situation was amusing for the angel but he felt some kind of empathy for Jisung. I mean, he was there at some point, too.

  "If I end up being turned into a devil, you will be satisfied, right?" Jisung asked him

  Changbin shrugged, "I might be jealous, though."

  "Oh my, you are like... the emo kid of the afterlife."

  The ceremony was about to start, Jisung was sitting in the last row. Some devils were sitting behind him, Hwang Hyunjin and his friends to be specific. Jisung thought it was some kind of punishment or something. Anyways, they were seated in some kind of gerontocracy-like structure, since that is what angels believe in. The oldest ones were in the front, which meant they will be the ones going up there first. Jisung, being one of the youngest here, was going like 5th from the back. Lucky, huh?

  When he stepped into the giant auditorium, he immediately went to the front to get one of the front seats but once he saw name tags on the chairs, his excited smile fell. When he turned around and went towards other rows and did not see his name anywhere, it definitely made him feel nervous inside. That was until he saw Han Jisung printed in silver on one of the back row chairs. Mentally cursing, he took a seat. After the curious and excited angels and devils stormed in like a tornado and the boy saw Lee Minho taking a seat behind him, he began to curse even more.

  His leg was shaking and he had no idea why. There were many things he tried to tell himself as a way of calming himself down or at least trying to, but none of them worked. His hand was gently pressing on the necklace, his fingers tracing the triquetra. This managed to calm him down for a bit but that was before Mrs and Mr Kim made their way on the podium, Seungmin following closely behind them. Everyone stood up and bowed to them.

  They looked like angels. Literally. All three of them had their beautiful and large wings revealed. Seungmin was wearing a beautiful white attire that really appealed to his lovely face. The headmasters, his parents, looked as breathtaking as his mentor did.

  "Wow, he's really handsome." Jisung thought to himself. He heard a chuckle behind him, so he turned his head to see who dared to laugh right now. He saw Hyunjin looking at him with a wide smile while mimicking that sentence as a way of teasing the younger. Jisung frowned and pretended that the devils were not present in the room.

  "We have gathered here today for the most important event of the year. As you already know, my name is Kim Eundae and I am the headmaster of this facility. This is my loving husband and our son, who accompany me each year, on this important day," she said with an enthusiastic smile as she looked around, eyeing all the angels. Omce her gaze landed on Jisung, he gulped. "I hope all goes well for you and that you will join us by our side, very soon. Let me introduce the holy commission for you, now."

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