Chapter 7

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  Jisung's eyes widened upon seeing his mentor here, hanging out with the two devils, especially Hwang Hyunjin. The person he explicitly told him to avoid with all his being at all times. Hyunjin, on the other hand, did not look startled at all. Instead, there was a smirk resting on his face upon observing the angel standing in the door frame. He took a few steps towards him and Jisung swore he saw something shift in Seungmin's eyes as he almost audibly gulped.

  "Oh, no. Look who is here to defend his so-called parents," He stopped a few inches in front of him, putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I'm hiding my hands since I know how much it makes you nervous seeing them."

  Even though the devil's back was facing him, he could hear the mischievous smirk in his voice. He felt the tension between the two of them and he made a mental note to never bring this matter up once he noticed Seungmin's grimace.

  "What are you doing here? Have you not been warned to not use your dirty tricks ever again?" Seungmin said rhetorically as his eyes shifted from Minho to Hyunjin back and forth. When his gaze landed on Jisung, he could tell the angel was disappointed in his actions. He heard Hyunjin scoff so he averted his eyes to him, scanning his every move and noticing that Seungmin was carefully doing the same.

  Hyunjin closed the distance between them even more to that extent, that Seungmin had to put his hands in front of himself and unsheath his wings in order to protect himself from the devil. Minho and Jisung were currently only watchers. Jisung was seemingly nervous that they'd gotten into this situation but Minho, on the other hand, was nonchalantly looking at the two men by the door.

  "I was just showing this poor soul the truth." the devil whispered in a low voice and Seungmin frowned, shifting his gaze towards Jisung who just apologetically smiled. Seungmin was about to walk in the younger boys direction if it wasn't for Hyunjin' hand that quickly grabbed his arm and stopped him in his motions. It took Seungmin a few seconds to even realize what was actually happening. He felt a sharp pain in that place. He ripped out his arm out of Hyunjin's grip and with almost red eyes, that took everyone by surprise, he growled:

  "Don't you ever even try to touch me again."

  With that, Seungmin grabbed Jisung and lead him out of the room, leaving Hyunjin and Minho inside. The shock was evident on their faces.

  On their way back, Jisung got a very harsh lesson. Seungmin gave him thousand of reasons why he should not be near the devils, especially these two. Each of those reasons was supported by yet another one. That makes it two hundred reasons. Yet the only thing that he remembers is that he should not mess with Seungmin ever again. As much as the angel seems peaceful and harmless, just now Jisung learnt that everyone has two sides to them. One of them that we present to others and the other one that we want to keep to ourselves only. Not saying that Seungmin is a bad person that puts this 'nice and sweet' facade on. Not at all. Jisung is sure that his mentor is the kindest person he has ever met. Seeing him show other emotions just makes him idolize him even more. It makes him seem more... human.

  Jisung had no idea how is it possible that the time has passed by so quickly because tomorrow is the day of his exam and he was feeling more anxious than ever. Changbin was busy with his angel duties so he has currently no one he could share his troubles with. It was dark outside, Jisung was sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out, thinking about many things. One of them is how much he misses his life but at the same time, how much he loves not being part of it anymore. If only he had his parents by his side right now.

  He quickly shut his eyes, trying to convert his thoughts to something else. Preferably, something related to his exam. He gave up on trying to learn all the rules and regulations. There was no point in trying, anyway. Instead, he grabbed a book he took from the library and decided to read a bit about the history of this craziness they call the afterlife. He never actually dug into this whole thing deeper.

  The boy opened the book on the first page and started swallowing all the words the book had to offer. It was very interesting to learn the history behind the whole building and the world.

  His fingers lightly touched one page that was slightly covered in gold, which caught his attention. His eyes widened and his heartbeat quickened when he saw the title of the chapter. 'The Fate of Satan's Sons'. This was exactly what he needed to find, hear and see. The key to one of his answers, the one Jisung needed the most. He quickly ran his eyes through the words until he saw the name of the devil he spent some of his time with a few days ago. Lots of unnecessary information he did not really have to know. But also very interesting ones. He would've never guessed his father sent him here a few decades ago because he was apparently 'too good to be true'. Which made Jisung laugh for a while but his laugh faded away as soon as he read the next words on the page.

  The family tradition continues and Hwang Hyunjin becomes the first one in the family who is unable to lie.

  "Oh my, is that what he meant?" Jisung's thoughts travelled back to the past when Hyunjin gave him the advice. It did not make sense at all and yet it made so much sense. Why do I need to lie? he asked himself, closing the book. If he was confused before knowing this piece of information, he was for sure more nervous now. And not sure how to put up with it.

  The doors flew open, revealing Changbin in the doorway. That action startled the younger, making him slightly jump. He quickly put his hand on his chest and politely scolded the angel for making his soul leave his body. (How ironic).

  "Hi, Han, how you feeling?" his friend asked before proceeding to close the door and sit down in front of the angel. His eyes slid down and a small smile formed upon seeing that Jisung has his necklace with him. Jisung gave him a tired expression and let out everything he was feeling. The fatigue, fear but also the happiness he was currently experiencing because tomorrow his further fate will be decided and he will finally have a place in this building, in the afterlife! He will finally be someone. Changbin lowly chuckled and patted the younger's back.

  "Don't worry. Do you remember the things I've told you before? It all still stands. Keep in mind the triquetra. Spiritual life with no beginning or end, right? It's only yours now and there's no one else who would decide if this is just the beginning or the end. It's a decision you have to make and I strongly believe that you will choose the right thing. You've got this, buddy."

  Jisung pouted. He tried to keep his posture but tears slowly formed in his eyes and one by one, they started to fall down. This action startled Changbin a bit. It's been... a while since the last time he has seen someone cry. The younger boy put his hands in front of his face as if they were a shield protecting him from the embarrassment he might feel upon showing his vulnerable side to his roommate.

  "Thank you," he sniffled before laughing. "I guess the buddy threw me off guard."

  To Changbin's luck, Jisung was not looking anywhere but his palms, or else he would've seen Changbin's proud smile. The proudest one he has ever put on.

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