Chapter 25

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  "We would love to bring you outside. To the human world,"

  Jisung just stared at them in disbelief, not sure if he was hearing right. Do they really want to bring Seungmin, the most powerful angels' son, to the human world without their permission, especially when they keep a relatively close eye on him and dislike the idea of him leaving the Imperium? He immediately shook his head upon hearing this stupid idea. What stunned him was the even more stupid answer that came out of Seungmin's mouth.

  "Sure, why not?" he nonchalantly shrugged as he continued with reading the book that he had opened on the table from before. Chan smiled and Minho smirked as they heard the answer but Jisung was shocked, low-key betrayed.

  "Y-You're going to agree to them just like that?" he stuttered as he pointed at the devils next to them, completely thunderstruck. He didn't quite understand what was going on in Seungmin's head right now (not like he did any other time). "Weren't you the one that explicitly told me not to hang out with the devils, especially Hyunjin and these two?"

  Not really caring about the fact that Jisung just exposed him for turning him against the boys, Seungmin just shrugged again.

  "Why are you talking about us like we are some filthy creatures?" Minho asked, eyebrows raised. Jisung looked at him in a 'are you serious' way, as he folded his arms on his chest and turned towards the older.

  "As far as I know, you were the one that called me, and I quote, a filthy winged bird, you nimrod,"

  Minho nodded, acknowledging that Jisung was right but his gaze never once left the younger boy's face. He was deeply thinking about something and Jisung blamed it on the fact that Minho was probably thinking of various ways how to kill him — or rather make this immortal life of his miserable.

  That was far from the truth. Minho was scanning Jisung's face in order to come up with an idea of how to save and protect the boy. Some things were hidden from everyone else that only Minho knew and he had to make sure to be by the latter's side most of the time to keep him safe and sound. But that was quite impossible now that Hyunjin was not here. He was probably the devil Jisung was the closest to. And if Jisung was usually with Hyunjin, Minho could keep an eye on him. Not now, though. The only way is to get close with Seungmin or even closer with Changbin (but the angel would quickly get suspicious of him). Or he could just spend some time alone with the younger but he cannot imagine doing so since he would most likely want to beat the shit out of the boy once he opened his mouth — not sure if he would do that to him but he's pretty short-tempered so anything is possible.

  "I guess it's time for me to rebel against my parents and finally have some fun," Seungmin admitted and Jisung was left speechless yet again. He shook his head, signalling that it was a bad idea. The devils, on the other hand, looked really happy as they cheered and exchanged high-fives. Seungmin saw Jisung's expression and decided to assure him that it was fine, "Don't worry, Jisung. I have already rebelled enough by becoming your friend."

  Jisung gasped, "Now I am offended!"

  "You coming with us?" Chan asked the young angel and Jisung scoffed.

"Of course, there's no way I am keeping my friend to you," he said even though he meant it more towards Minho. He was pretty sure that the devil could (and most likely would) lure Seungmin into doing some illegal things and stuff — even though Seungmin was intelligent, he has never been out there so he probably has no idea what is right and what is not.

  "Here we go again with the indirect insults." Minho groaned.

  "I can make them direct if you'd like to," Jisung deadpanned and Minho put up his hand in defeat.

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