Chapter 18

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  Hyunjin was walking down the hall. To say he was shocked was definitely understandable. He expected Jisung to say anything but that. Or maybe he did expect that answer but it's been so long that he simply tried to suppress that feeling. The feeling that Seungmin might have still cared for him.

  The footsteps that were echoing in the dark and empty hallway were like a calming song for him. The constant sounds and rhythm reminded him of a heartbeat. Sighing, he took a turn and let his thoughts consume his whole mind.

  It's been over fifty years now.

  Seungmin and Hyunjin were the same age, with Hyunjin being only a few months older, and considering they were both birthed to powerful families that ruled this university (and the underworld, in Hyunjin's case), they immediately became friends. Everyone around them thought they were inseparable but the fact that they were this close that they considered each other friends was kept away from their parents. Hyunjin's father probably wouldn't have cared about it but the angel's parents would. So they decided to keep it a secret. Hyunjin always liked the way they both understood each other. There wasn't really any kind of love that they were receiving from their parents and that's what connected them. Children from broken, powerful and supernatural families. How perfect is that?

  They always snuck out and hung out in Seungmin's room because it was adventurous. His parents could step into the room anytime but they did not care — they had each other and that was the only thing that mattered to both of them. Many promises were made between them and none of them was broken during the time their friendship lasted.

  As Hyunjin walked even further into the halls, he felt a sharp pain in his heart whilst he recalled how much he enjoyed the younger boy's company and his goofy personality that was just impossible to not love. How he filled up the empty spot in his heart.

  But everything beautiful must once end, right?

  Until this day, Hyunjin does not know how but Seungmin's parents found out. They found out that the boys were hanging out with each other and that they were incredibly close — so close that they knew each other's darkest secrets. Seungmin was the first and only non-family member that knew Hyunjin was not a pure-blooded devil. That he had human blood running through his veins as his mother fell in love with his father when he was on a duty in the human world. Hyunjin was half-devil and half-human. And he never trusted anyone enough to tell them about this issue. That was until Seungmin came into his life and instantly changed it for the better. But his parents did not only find out the relationship these two had going on but also Hyunjin's true identity. And that it was Seungmin who told them.

  When Mrs Kim told him that she would be willing to let them continue being friends if Hyunjin was pure-blooded but since he was not, she had no other option but to cut them off, both of the boys did not handle the situation well.

  Hyunjin had an outburst and he yelled at the younger boy for giving away his weak spot like that, the secret he never wanted anyone to know. And how much he regretted telling him such a piece of information. That was the day Hyunjin saw Seungmin cry for the first time. Since then, the angel never hung out with anyone — until Jisung came into the picture.

  Hyunjin felt apologetic for yelling at the angel but if he was not guilty, he would defend himself but he never did. He only cried that day and stared at Hyunjin with such a broken expression on his face that Hyunjin had to walk away, holding back his own tears because their friendship has just fallen apart. If Seungmin only said a word — damn, he could've said any kind of excuse to him and Hyunjin would believe him the first second he would hear him talk. But he did not. He was quiet and the love they once had for each other turned into ignorance and slight hatred.

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