Chapter 13

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  A few days later, Jisung has finally convinced Changbin to let him visit Jeongin. During the last four or three days, it was almost unbearable for Changbin. The younger boy was very persistent and kept on whining like a child (who he technically still was). He even made a list of pros and cons to why it would be beneficial to visit the angel's friend from his human life. Changbin obviously said no. It was too risky for them to reach the human world if it was not related to their duties. Yes, a few devils did that quite regularly but that was a different story - there weren't any punishments for them if the heads of 'The Devil Department' found out about it. There was no way Changbin would approve his idea. But he did. The moment Jisung pouted and did puppy eyes on him, Changbin knew it was over. The happiness sprawled across the younger's face was an incredible experience.

  As of now, the two of them were sitting at Jeongin's house. The youngest's mouth was agape, he would've never thought he was going to see them again but after a long time, he felt truly happy. Their meeting was not as emotional as the last one but they still felt a bit of sadness when they tried to pull each other into a tight hug, just to realise it was not possible.

  The two of them were sitting on the bed while Changbin was laying down on the window seat, his eyes closed. He tried to avert his thoughts from the fact that they just broke the rules while faintly listening to the two boys who were recalling the memories from their lives.

  "You know," Jeongin started, nervously fiddling with his thumbs, refusing to look at Jisung. "I wanted to tell Felix about this ... but I figured it wouldn't be a good idea."

  Upon hearing Felix's name, Jisung froze in place. His other friend. The three of them were almost inseparable - always hanging out with each other whenever they got the chance to. Jisung peeked at Changbin who was now looking deeply into his eyes as if he was prepared to scold him for whatever he was about to say.


  That was the only thing he was able to let out.

  Jeongin blinked a few times, before saying: "Felix was not doing good when you ... you know. He's doing better, yes, but I thought this could be therapeutic for him. He would say goodbye to you and actually get over the whole thing."

  Jisung nodded. He had no idea that his death affected Felix that much. He definitely figured out that it must have been hard for the people he was close with but he never imagine this.

  "But he wouldn't be able to see you anyways. And it's not like he would believe me, anyway."

  Jisung locked his eyes with Changbin's who immediately started shaking his head, knowing exactly what the latter was about to do.

  "Actually," he said and took off his ring. Changbin got up from his seat and latched after the ring but it was too late. "Now that this is off, anyone can see me. Even Felix."

  Changbin's extended hand fell back to the side of his body in a defeated manner. What did I just get myself into? He cried out in his head as he saw the sparks in the youngest's eyes once he realised there was a way that Felix guy could see and communicate with them. His other hand went up to his forehead to wipe away the non-existent sweat.

  "Is that true, Changbin-hyung?" the question, that was targeted towards him, interrupted his thoughts. He looked down at the two boys sitting on the bed and saw two pairs of hopeful eyes - even though Jisung certainly knew it was true, he wanted Changbin's word and approval on it and so did Jeongin. So he nodded. Both of them smiled at each other and Jeongin promised he will inform that friend of theirs about it as soon as possible. Changbin could only imagine what will happen if the holy commission finds out.

  "Listen, Hyunjin," a voice echoed through the entire room with the number of 0325, the back and forth stomping could even be heard in the large halls. "you know that I am the last person that would be afraid of your 'Don't you remember who my father is' threats!"

  "Well, those threats might turn into a reality if you don't tune your voice down," he said as he laid down on Chan's, who currently wasn't present in the room, bed. "There is no way we can stop this. He did what he had to do and if the commission will find out is totally up to him."

  Minho ran his fingers through his hair, plopping down on his bed. He was thinking so hard, trying to find a solution but his mind was blank - completely blank. He couldn't even think about anything troublesome they could do as a way of coping with the boredom. But some things needed to be taken care of, whether the people around him liked it or not.

  "There must be a reasonable explanation that could lead us to a solution!" he said loudly and Hyunjin just rolled his eyes, his skin glistening upon the light falling on his silky face. Minho frowned.

  "Not if you will scream like that," he said nonchalantly. "Why do you even care about that boy that much?"

  This time, it was Minho's turn to roll his eyes at the blonde boy. He didn't want to fight with him. They never fought and he never wanted to - if you don't count the friendly way of teasing each other which might have sounded a bit morbid to some people but they were devils so it was something that should have been expected from them. Nothing more, nothing less.

  "I don't care about him. It's just -"

  He couldn't find the right words to describe what he was feeling. He found the boy annoying and lowkey childish but there was this mysterious and discreet aura about him that seemed to lure Minho to him. He felt disgusted because it was an angel he has hung out with a few days ago back in the roof garden upstairs. He did not care about Changbin being an angel, because ... well because Changbin was Changbin. He was pretty sceptical about it at first, too. But he was the first nice angel he has ever spoken to.

  Since Minho was quiet, the son of satan had time to think about it. Then it hit him. He quickly opened his eyes and looked at Minho, who heard a faint gasp escape the devil's lips.

  "You see yourself in him."

  And that's when Minho realised that Hyunjin was right. He saw himself in that angel. Or maybe there was something else in his heart that he refused to acknowledge.

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